Adults with a good sense of humor just may live longer than old sourpusses, claims the Norwegian University of Science and Technology as reported by USA Today. Researchers tracked 54,000 Norwegians for 7 years and found that the greater the role humor played in their lives, the greater their chances of surviving those years. This was especially true of those with cancer. A great sense of humor cut one’s chances of death by about 70% compared with adults with a poor sense of humor.
PWB 2/16/07
The following links to video clips are from Tim Hawkin's new comedy DVD called FULL RANGE OF MOTION--and is the best stand up comedy video I've ever seen.
Laugh and live... these are for YOU:
Here's a video clip with Tim talking about MOMS...
Here's a video clip with Tim talking about MARRIAGE...
Here's a video clip with Tim talking about PARENTING...
Here's a video clip with Tim talking about CHURCH...
You can get Tim's FULL RANGE OF MOTION DVD by CLICKING HERE. And the ONLY thing I get from this wildly positive endorsement (in case you're wondering) is the joy and satisfaction of knowing you will laugh your head off... and, according to the research, have a greater chance at a longer life. That brings a smile to my heart and face... and hopefully--a few more years to my life!
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