Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Keep me in mind

I won't be posting for a few days, but will be back soon! In the meantime, take a breath now and then..a mindful one. You know, in through the nose, and out through the mouth. Nice and slow and deep. You will slow your heart rate and can even lower your blood pressure some!

When you sit for long periods don't forget to sit back, stretch, wiggle your toes, stretch out your fingers, and take another breath! This is YOUR LIFE, YOUR BODY, and for all the hard work you do, if you don't take care of yourself - your body, mind and spirit, all will SUFFER.

Besides, realistically, in order to do your best work this awesome oxygen machine needs to be taken care of at least as good as you would do for your car. Please remember to love YOU, and you will find you have more energy, better health, and optimum intellect to solve all the tasks that face you!

Now take a breath and remember someone who doesn't know you TRULY CARES!

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