Saturday, 7 April 2007

Secret #68 Live Life in Light of Eternity

Life has a way of slowly making us forget that which is REALLY eternally important. Here is a very important time and life management lesson: If you can keep your life focused on eternity--rather than getting caught up in the temporary things of earth, you just might be able to live NOW for that which is truly most important... that which is eternal.

See if the video below doesn't help you think about how you are spending your time and life RIGHT NOW in light of that which is eternally important. But before you click, I must warn you: This video (it's actually two short videos so let it keep rolling after the first one is finished) is not for the faint of heart.... so view at your own risk.

* For more practical help on living with eternal priorities CHECK THIS OUT.
* For more practical help you can use to train STUDENTS to live with eternal priorities CHECK THIS OUT and CHECK THIS OUT.

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