Monday, 27 August 2007

Secret #90 Ooo-La-La Principle--Part 2

In workshop settings I ask people to list their most important priorities. I often get something like this:
1. God
2. Family
3. Work

As sincere and thoughtful as this list is, it violates the Ooo-La-La Principle: Besides God, there is nothing more important than your spouse.

So what's wrong with the above list? It puts your kids on an even level of importance with your spouse. Don't get me wrong... I'm reallly found of my kids... all six of them. However, if you list family as second priority, your spouse will lose out nearly everytime--because when it comes to giving time and energy--the kids win. But it's a mistake to have a kid-centric marriage. Why?

1. Because they're gonna be leaving... and that's NORMAL... but you will still want a marriage after the kids are gone. (You'd better not wait until after the kids are gone to invest time and energy in the marriage.)

2. In this age of high divorce rates, kids draw much of their personal security--not from how much you love them--but from how much you love your spouse... no joke! (Assignment for tonight: Make out with your spouse on the couch until the kids yell "GROSS!" Sure they'll act like you've damaged them for life, but they will KNOW that you love each other... and that's good for the kids.)

3. Kids should learn early that they are precious and important to you, but that the world does NOT revolve around them! (We're dealing with way too many adults right now who have never gotten the message that life is not about them. Let's not make any more.)

Therefore, I say, long live the Ooo-La-La Principle! Long live the spouse-centric marriage! Long live the Song of Solomon!

Are you ready to apply the Ooo-La-La Principle? Then click here to download the six message series from Tommy Nelson on the Song of Solomon.

Or, if you have iTunes and would rather download these as a podcast, type the words "Denton Bible Church" and click "Love Song" to get the entire Song of Solomon sermon series for FREE.

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