Anyone who works in the mental health field will tell you that it's important to surround yourself during recovery with people who support you in your goals. Since I tend to believe we're all in recovery at some point in our lives, I think this is true for all of us.
Surround yourself with people who support you in your efforts to grow in all ways: spiritually, financially, physically, mentally, and any other way you're working to heal your life. Dealing with traumatic events, life-changing events, or any other obstacle can be difficult in and of itself; you'll benefit greatly by having friends, family and colleagues beside you or with you in thought and spirit to cheer you on.
I was reminded about that this morning, after telling a writer friend of mine about my upcoming trip to Kenya. I was so pleased to get this e-mail from her in my box today:
"That is so cool! I cannot even begin to express how proud I am of you. I remember when things were not so great for you a few years ago, and you were wondering how you would get through. You've not only gotten through, but you've flourished!"
While I believe this to be true of myself, it's a wonderful testament to know that someone other than myself, someone whose been through her own ordeal, believes that and took the time to send her thoughts to me. What wonderful words she offered?! They're a gift. Thanks Wojo!
In order to make such words even more meaningful, I keep all the kudos I get in a file. On the days I'm feeling not so great or overwhelmed, I try to remember to take a look inside that file and remember what's so great about me.
What are people saying about you? Do you know yourself what's so great about you? Think about keeping your own list as a reminder. When you get praise and thanks from others, treat the words with the spirit of love, because that's how they arrived. And place the kind words in a file where you can easily retrieve them on days when they can come in handy a second or third time.
When "they're" saying good things about you, that's a gift that keeps on giving, because even if you forget to save the words somewhere, they'll still be in your heart and mind. Don't let yourself forget them.
All my best,
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