Monday, 29 January 2007

Technique to Make Boring Work More Exciting and Keep you Calm at the Same Time.

Technique to Make Boring Work More Exciting and Keep you Calm at the Same Time.

This is "borrowed" from Zen Buddhism and it is also mentioned in the "Calm" books by Paul Wilson ( see for details of his work).

Many people have mundane jobs. Many jobs have mundane parts to them even if they are really exciting. You may even have "boring" chores to do at home. What if I told you that there was a technique that would enliven those so called "boring" tasks. What if I told you there was a way that would allow you to increase your feelings of calm and even help you develop your spiritual life while doing seemingly repetitive and tedious tasks? Let me explain.

Most meditation techniques involve repetition e.g. they can use the repetition of a mantra to concentrate and center the mind. Well in the "100% Effort" technique your attention is undivided and concentrated at the task at hand. You are in the moment!

Let me illustrate for you what I mean. Imagine you had a large wall to paint. Perhaps the wall has about 1000 bricks in it. You could sit and curse the fact you have to paint the walk or you could concentrate and make each brick as perfectly painted as you are able. Or perhaps you have some house cleaning to do. Take time and make those floors shine! Be the best cleaner you can be and focus your attention on the job at hand. You will find time will fly. Your thoughts will be calm and you will produce great results in your work.

I was skeptical about this technique but with some practice it does work. I guess it is what our grandparents used to call "taking pride in your work!".

Give this a go and I am sure you will feel much better about doing those so called "boring" jobs.

Good Luck,

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