Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Be a Rebel With a Cause

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

Our culture has such an impact on our lives. I have said this before but I want to say it again. We are bombarded by messages from our schools, media outlets and other organizations about how we should lead our lives and what it means to be successful. The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves and we should stand up say it doesn't work. We should be rebels (but unlike James Dean in that famous movie) we should be rebels WITH a cause and that cause is to work to create our own culture based around compassion.

Here are some suggestions how.

1) Re-define success.
What does it mean to be successful? Does it mean having a large house and an expensive sports car? Does it mean being on a board of directors of a company? Those things don't necessarily mean success. It has become a cliché but material wealth should not be equated with success. Neither should physical beauty or what our culture labels as being physically beautiful. To me, success is HOW we live our lives not WHAT we own or WHAT we look like. Do we show compassion and forgiveness to others? Do we live a full and balanced life? Are we the person we were made to be rather than the person we think we should be? Do we center our lives on helping others (as well as looking after are own needs)? Have we devoted our lives to creating something that gives us purpose and meaning? If you answer yes to any or all of these questions - in my book - you are a successful person.

2) Know that you will die.
Our culture is obsessed with immortality. A lot of people walk around like they are going to live forever. They then concentrate on a lot of things that are just not important but our culture tries to make us think that they our important. Know that sometime you will die and you might start living your life differently.

3) Look to the future and let go of the past.
Life is a journey and we should always look to the future, accept the past and then let go of it. People that always look back do so because they have never found meaning in their lives because if you have found meaning you will always move forward and you never want to go back.

4) Think for yourself.
I have written about this before and if you follow this advice it could mean you will ignore every tip I have written on this blog! :-) Take some time for reflection and make sure you are not overly influenced by others. Choose your role models wisely and remember not to look up to the people at top as they will always be looking down at you.

5) Create your own culture.
Every society has its own problems, The way to do it, I think, isn't to run away. You have to work at creating your own culture. Surround yourself with people you love and who love you back. Create and live your own life - not the life society thinks you should lead.

There are many ways to add meaning to your life. Staying independent of popular culture and centering your life on compassion, forgiveness and your relationships with your friends and family will add a fullness to your life that no amount of money can buy.

Good Luck,

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