Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Tasers and Heart Rhythm's

Should people start shouting, "Don't change my heart rhythm" instead of "Don't tase me, Bro."....

Recently in Conneticut it has been reported that a patient showing A-Fib w/ RVR became violent and after security tased him and they hooked him back up to the monitor, the ECG showed a sinus rhythm.

Gee, what about all the folks that they tased over and over that you see on the television.... where they really in danger of loosing their lives? And, I thought that tasers weren't suppose to be a lethal weapon.

Anytime there is an electrical current going through a persons body there is definitely a possibility to change the person's heart rate. The question still remains is tasing too dangerous?

Considering the alternative of having bullet put through you... maybe having electricity is still a better idea! Although, yes, I do beleive that it should be used wisely and more studies may be needed to see the effects on the heart!!!

Now, who wants to volunteer to let someone tase them while hooked up to the ECG machine???

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