Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Reminder--just three days left to sign up

Last week I posted an offer for free BIKE coaching and wanted to post a reminder.

Here's the offer again: it's four months of free BIKE coaching.

If you're interested in learning how you can live a more stress-free life and find your true joy, post a comment. I'll draw a name and contact you personally to get started. The work will include one hour-long session per week by phone and a specified number of follow-ups by e-mail.

My only requirement is that you allow me to post the progress here on the BIKE blog and that you allow me to use anecdotes/stories from our work together in my upcoming book and other literature that I may need to promote my BIKE philosophy. If you'd prefer to use your first name only in print, that's fine, but I must know your full name, etc., for my records.If you're interested, post a commment below and let me know why/how you think finding your Mental BIKE would help you overcome a specific struggle you are now having in your life.I hope to hear from you soon because this opportunity ends on May 31.

All my best,


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