I've signed on with a group of writer friends from an online professional writers' group to make May a month of continuous blogging successes. For this Blogathon, every day in May we're expected to blog at least once. Michelle Rafter got us all started. And one of us, Jane Boursaw, has set a goal to blog 10 times a day. She just announced that she met her goal yesterday.
The reason I'm posting this message is because, for one thing, I'd like to share these blogs with you--You might learn something, get inspired, or just find something of interest to you. Plus, this Blogathon is a great example of what you can accomplish when you work together. It's proof that we are not alone in this world. There are always friends, family and colleagues out there willing to help you meet your goals. And I happened to need a little push. Remember, in a previous post I wrote about asking for help when you need it. That's what Michelle has done. And here we are:
Amy Grisak talks family, food and Great Falls, Montana in her blog called Living in Season. She posts beautiful photos, too.
Barb Adamski, who lives in Vancouver, writes about a sport I know nothing about, Lacrosse. The Lacrosse Blog explains it all, from the past to the present.
Carolyn Erickson, in her blog, Choose Your Words Wisely, blogs about her writing life. She's just getting started with this one, and the Blogathon has given her the momentum she needed. How cool is that!
Charmian Christie writes about real food and real life at Christie's Corner, joking that "It Ain't Always Pretty." But aside from the burnt toast at the top of her blog that captures her humorous side, the photos of berries with yogurt and Honey Carrot Cake (and more) look pretty good to me. She posts recipes, too. Yummy!
Claudine Jalajas writes about The @$#!% Extension in her blog. Yes, that's French for home remodel. If you've ever thought about remodeling your house, you may reconsinder after reading about Claudine's experiences. Great photos, though. No, seriously, it's funny.
Dara Chadwick was Shape magazine's 2007 Weight-Loss Diary columnist. She blogs about her continuing weight-loss habits here at Fit In Real Life. This is a great companion blog to mine, if you're looking for this kind of inspriation and just can't get into riding an actual bike.
Dawn Weinberger inspires us and provides information about her journey with her husband Carl in Carl's Liver Transplant. Her message is about faith, hope and healing. And I'm going to add love.
Diana Burrell is one of two at The Renegade Writer. You can buy the book by the same name. In any case, you'll get great advice on how to break freelance writing rules here, and also read interviews and sign up to win things.
Elizabeth Kricfalusi teaches you how to Embrace Adventure at this blog. Scroll back a few months and check out her photos from the trip she took to Antarctica. Wow! Good stuff here.
Jackie Dishner. That's me! You're here to ride with me, learn how to BIKE with me, and, hopefully, turn your obstacles into opportunties. Since you're here, why don't you take a moment and subscribe to my blog. Get motivational messages regularly. It can't hurt.
Jane Boursaw is the Film Gecko. She writes movie reviews, shows trailers of upcoming films and shares industry news. She also interviews celebrities. Can you tell Jane loves movies? If you love 'em, too, you'll want to check this site out.
Janine Adams can help you turn chaotic spaces into orderly ones through her words at Peace of Mind Organizing. Visit her blog if you have some rearranging to do.
Jen A. Miller is the author of The Jersey Shore: From Atlantic City to Cape May . She's been blogging about her travels Down the Shore since last year. She continues to update regularly. It's very much worth a visit if you've never been. Plus, be sure to buy her new book!
Leah Ingram is the proud owner of The Lean Green Family (formerly Suddenly Frugal); this is where you'll find advice, tips and stories about "living green" on a budget.
Marijke Durning is a nurse who turned to writing as a second career. She writes about health here.
Meredith Resnick writes about that "age thing" in her blog, I’m Too Young to be a Woman this Old. She's funny.
Michelle Vranizan Rafter is the woman who got things started. She suggested the Blogathon. We signed up. And here she is, speaking about writing at WordCount: Freelancing in the Age of Digital Media. If you're a freelancer, you'll find a ton of helpful information here.
Roxanne Hawn is the biggest dog lover I know. In her blog, Champion of My Heart, she shares true tales, brags, and whines about her life with a rescued border collie named Lilly. What's not to love?!
Sandra Hume is a true fan...of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Remember TV's "Little House on the Prairie"? The show, starring Elizabeth Gilbert as Laura, was based on Wilder's writing. Sandra talks about Wilder's books and more in her blog, Only Laura - A blog by and for fans of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Sarah Ludwig Rausch blogs about what it's like raising four kids on a ranch at Parenting by Trial and Error - find your best journey.
Sue Poremba has a unique perspective on the writing life. Read about it and more at I Breathe; Therefore, I Write. Even if you don't write for a living, you'll find worthwhile thoughts here.
There are others who joined in later, and I'll add them in another post. For now, I hope you'll consider visiting some of these blogs. Maybe they have the information you've been looking for. Or maybe they'll inspire you to keep looking.
All my best,
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