Tuesday, 12 August 2008

What Does Your Future Hold? Do You Have A Plan? Or Are You Just Waiting To See What Happens?

What a great series of Questions! Isn’t it funny that these are the very questions most people never ask themselves, while at the same time being the questions that, if answered even in part, could lead to a dramatic improvement of the quality of many lives? Wow.

We often find ourselves in a situation in which we either accept the change that someone else imposes upon us or in which we ourselves effect the change we would like to see happen. We sometimes stammer and hesitate and procrastinate with regard to decision making. Not making a decision is a decision in itself.

After changing the way you think. (Article 3 in the series), OPENING YOUR MIND’S EYES can be a life-changing experience. Simply noticing things around you that you have always taken for granted or maybe even never thought of. Sometimes we focus on a certain resource or application of that resource when trying to achieve a goal and we miss out on other things that are happening around us that could also be important. Some of those things might not have anything to do with what you are trying to accomplish, but could at the same time stimulate you to find another solution that will take you to where you want to go. There are things happening to you and affecting you right at this moment, that you are probably not thinking about.

For example, do you have any idea how your pulse is at the moment? How fast is your heart pumping? Think about every part of your body. Has tension accumulated in any one area of your body? Your shoulders maybe? Your back? Your jaw? Are you frowning unnecessarily? How does your back feel leaned against the chair you are sitting on? How do your feet feel in the position they are currently? Are there any other sounds in- or outside the room where you are? What are they? Take in everything!

Also, believe that everyone you meet gives you something that will help you achieve your goal. Everyone! It is a gift. Take the time to figure out what it is! Is it something they said? Something they did? Something they did for you or for themselves that stimulates you to think? Adopting this mentality will help tremendously in the development of your creative mind.


Ask yourself the question: "WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN in order for me to get what I want?" Be specific in your answer. Be very, very specific. (see article 3 in the series) That is not a about what you think is possible. It is an exercise in objectivity and in telling yourself what really has to happen in order for you to be successful, no matter who you are.

Pull out a sheet of paper and write down all the different ways of getting what you want. Really push yourself to answer the question, "How many different ways are there to get what I want?"

Give yourself a target of how many of these things you would like to come up with and then double that target! Push yourself to be creative and find new ways! You will be handsomely rewarded if you do. When I first did this exercise I personally shot for 15 and doubled that number.

To do this exercise effectively, you must step out of your comfort zone. Think outside the box. Think big, and while writing down all the different ways, follow the rule that everything is possible. Everything!

If you are still having trouble, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible for you. It could just mean that you need help. If you feel that’s the caseComputer Technology Articles, stay tuned for upcoming articles on our journey to achieving extraordinary results or come visit me at www.jolten.com . You can also ask for Anthony to come speak at your event.

Good Luck!

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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