Friday, 15 August 2008

Rewiring Your Brain to a Millionaire Mind

by Marie Leonard
When I read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, the way I looked at being rich as a possibility for me took on a very different meaning.

Finally, here was someone putting in plain language what it was that made me different from someone who was rich and showed you how to do it in a practical and applicable manner.

Throughout his book, Mr. Eker has what he calls "wealth principles".

The first principle simply states that our income can only grow to the extent that we grow as individuals.

But in order to do this, you have to identify what it is that is stopping you from growing in the first place.

According to Mr. Eker, how we think about money starts with our very first blueprint. This blueprint is formed by verbal programming, modeling of our behavior on others and by experiences we have had during our life.

Without going into the nitty gritty, let it suffice to say that many of us suffer from a skewed idea of what it is to be rich and have money. We have been programmed without our conscious knowledge to think in a certain way. This is what is keeping us poor.

But our brain can be rewired to think as a rich person thinks.

Mr. Eker believes that declarations are a powerful secret for change and he consistently uses declarations throughout his book.

He is fond of saying "What you hear you forget, what you see you remember, what you do, you understand".

This is why he has us touch our heart while verbally declaring the statement and then touching our head with our forefinger while reprogramming our brain to the new statement.

The first one goes like this with your hand on your heart: My inner world creates my outer world.

Now touch your head and say: I have a millionaire mind.

Now I wanted to add to that a way that would accelerate our re-programming efforts.

I have been in the alternative health field for 14 years and have studied many different ways to heal the body and mind.

One very easy and simple technique that shines in the area of healing the mind is EFT, which stand for Emotional Freedom Technique.

EFT is simply an emotional version of acupuncture except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips.

The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. I created a video on YouTube that shows you exactly how to do it.

The following declaration by Mr Eker is a wonderful declaration which your intellect believes but has not yet imprinted itself upon your subconscious.

"What I heard about money isn't necessarily true. I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success."

Touch your head: "I have a millionaire mind".

EFT can speed up the process considerably to re-connect the wires in your brain to actually believe this statement. However, we will need to forgive ourselves for believing the wrong thing for so long.

The first affirmation to use with EFT will be: "Even though I have allowed myself to be programmed, I deeply and completely accept myself."

The basic recipe is to do what is called the sequence, the gamut and then finish with the sequence once more, just like building a sandwich with the meat in the middle of 2 pieces of bread.

To see all the specific points you need to use while doing this exercise, you will need to see the video. On the other hand if you are familiar with EFT and already know the tapping procedure, then you might be interested in applying this affirmation to rewire your brain to that of a millionaire mind.

Once the sequence is done it is followed by the gamut which fine tunes the brain using the brain's creative side and really hastens the progress.

We are always looking for ways to improve ourselves, especially in the area of money and how we think about it. If you continue to think that there is just not enough to go around then that is what the Universe will give you but learn to think in "abundance" then you will reap "abundance".

About the Author

Marie Leonard is a health researcher and network marketer who is dedicated to helping people improve their lives physically and financially. Follow the technique with her here: and then click "Only The Technique" video. enjoy!

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