Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Making A Difference

Want to make a difference in your life (work, relationship, sport, faith, community, etc)? While there is no easy route, a commitment to mental toughness and hard work is required in any worthwhile endeavor for you to make a difference. First get over being a victim: my parents, my schooling, my work, my relationship, my location, blah blah blah. No victim thinking! Then be sure you discover what you have a passion for or what is most important to you. The following are designed to help you make a difference; it all starts with a proper ATTITUDE:

Aim to stay positive

Take control of thoughts

Transform challenges

Inspire someone every day

Team up with winners

Understand your uniqueness

Dream your success activities

Enthusiasm is your means

Now with the right attitude, you need to insure your positive actions become good behavior habits. The elements of habit: Your Mind or ability to plan your success, your Heart or values/character, your Body or skills to execute, your Spirit or ability to consistently serve. This is the awareness needed to be a whole person. Help yourself by setting SMART GOALS:

Specific achievements

Measurable results

Attainable within your reach

Realistic so not discouraged

Timelined progress

Good for a better being/world

Optimal as your resources limited

All benefit so your difference builds

Long term vision of results

Successes will be accomplished

Making a difference requires us to be connected with the world. Overcome a common challenge of being a good listener: Listen for understanding first, only then will the people you encounter be willing to understand you. Then you are on your way to having IMPACT:

Imagination that maximizes your talents

Motivation driven from within

Passion makes for a fascinating journey

Articulate to be understood

Commitment to accomplishment

Tenacity to overcome obstacles

What is holding you back from making a difference, other than YOU?

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