Many people today look at learning as an event; attending a seminar, listening to a CD one time or reading a self-help book once.
Here’s the problem when you see learning as an event.
The unconscious mind behaves in very predictable ways. It is like the hard drive of a computer and your conscious mind is like the RAM. In order for the information to get to the hard drive it must first pass through the RAM. If you don’t read the books, listen to the CD’s or attend the seminars the material will never get into your hard drive or your unconscious mind. If the material isn’t there you will never have access to it when you need it to improve, learn, grow or change a behavior.
So, it’s a given, if you want to improve your life and your future you have to keep loading new material into your mind.
But, here’s another problem. The mind has over 300 billion brain cells all dedicated to running various parts of your body; heart, digestion, memories, feelings and so on. How the mind organizes all of these functions and data second by second for immediate recall or continuous actions is still one of life’s greatest mysteries. I recently read that there are over 3 billion chemical/electrical reactions in the human mind every second. WOW!
It has been reported that when the mind is exposed to a new idea, concept or any piece of new information it tends, I said tends, to follow the following pattern. I am not an MD or a Psychologist. (I’m just reporting what I have read/learned over the years.)
First exposure – It rejects the idea but still stores it.
Second exposure – it recognizes it (cause it has already been stored)
but generally does not embrace it.
Third exposure – It begins to understand it.
Fourth exposure – It accepts it but doesn’t necessarily believe it.
Fifth exposure – It believes it but doesn’t always act on it.
Sixth exposure – It finally puts the idea in a place where when you
need it, it is readily available for immediate recall.
Therefore in order to get the most from any new idea or learning, if you want to put it into practice to improve your life or success it is absolutely vital that you have at least 6 exposures to any new idea. Yes, you have to read the book six times. Yes, you have to listen to the CD 6 times. Yes, you need to give yourself 6 exposures to any material learned in a seminar by reviewing notes, practicing techniques, or listening to the material in some audio format.
Most people don’t read books 6 times. They figure, I read it once that’s all there is. Try something. Go back and read any self-help book you have ever read or listen to a CD just a second time and I will guarantee that you will pick up new information that was there when you read or listened the first time but you missed it for some reason.
Want to master the information? You guessed it, you need at least 6 exposures.
Granted you can’t read every self-help book you have read 6 times. Life is just too short. I have my favorites. I have read Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill at least 30 times over the years. I have listened to some of my favorite CD’s (NOT MUSIC) numerous times. How about you? What’s your approach?
Learning is a process and not an event. Keep that in mind the next time you attend a seminar or read a great book.
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