Tuesday, 12 August 2008

The Law of Attraction Demystified

According to the Law of Attraction, you attract into your life those things you predominantly think about - like energy attracts like energy. To attract anything into your life you must bring your thoughts into vibrational harmony with your desire.

In accordance with the Law of Attraction, you attract into your life those things, circumstances and conditions that correspond with the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts and beliefs - both conscious and subconscious. Every area of your life, including your health, your finances and all of your relationships, are influenced by this great Universal Law that "like attracts like".

What Frequency Are You On: Everything, including yourself, your thoughts and anything else you may or may not desire, is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies. The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that like energy attracts like energy. You attract to yourself that which you are in vibrational harmony with, not that which you long for or even deserve. Your dominant frequency is determined by your dominant mental attitude, which itself is determined by your habitual thoughts and beliefs. Simply put, a positive mental attitude attracts positive experiences and circumstances while a negative mental attitude attracts those conditions that we deem negative or unwanted.

You Can Attract Anything You Desire: You are able attract anything you desire to yourself because you are already connected to everything, seen and unseen. Nothing and no one is separate from you. The sense of separation we experience in the physical world is created by the way our five senses interpret this infinite sea of vibrating energy. You are one with the One Universal Mind from which all things become manifest. The creative power of your thoughts is limitless.

Changing Your Frequency: To consciously attract that which you desire into your life you must learn to bring the energy of your thoughts and hence your actions into vibrational harmony with the essence of your desire, be it perfect health, success, abundance, true love or anything else. Creative visualization is the basic technique by which you can positively and effectively reprogramme your subconscious mind and so begin to attract to yourself those things and circumstances that you truly desire.

Don't Play the Blame Game: Understanding the Law of Attraction is not about blaming yourself or anyone else for the negative or unwanted conditions in your life. Getting caught up in this blame game would only serve to attract more of those things that you do not want. Instead, this knowledge is intended to empower you to take full responsibility for your current conditions by understanding the attractive power of your thoughts. Know that by taking responsibility for your life, you also grant yourself the power to change it.

Match Maker, Match Maker Bring Me My Match: The bottom line is that you attract to yourself that which you think about (a lot). There is no judgement call involved about whether a particular thought is "good" or "bad" or whether its corresponding circumstance is "deserved" or "undeserved". The Law of Attraction is neutral. It does not judge, punish or reward. It simply serves to bring like energy together. Think of it as the great match maker. You submit your criteria via your thoughts and beliefs and it brings you your perfect match - every time.

You Do Not Have to Figure it All Out: You do not have to learn to work with or apply the Law of Attraction. Being a Universal Law, it is already working perfectly in your life, whether or not you understand or accept it, and it never ceases to operate. Your primary goal is to adjust your mental attitude by changing your predominant thoughts and beliefs. To become the master of your life, you must master your mind not the Law of Attraction. It is already a master unto itself.

In a nutshell, to experience profound transformation in any area of your life, you must first become conscious of the Truth that the circumstances of your outside world correspond precisely with the thoughts of your inner world and are attracted to you by the Law of Attraction. According to this Universal Law, like energy attracts like energy. You do not need to learn to apply it or work with it because it always does whether you understand it or not. To attract anything you desire into your life you must learn to bring your thoughts and your actions into vibrational harmony with the essence of your desire and leave the rest up to the Law of Attraction. EssentiallyFind Article, all you need to do is work on yourself.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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