Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Commitment is a Leap of Faith and a Key to Success to Achieve the Impossible Dream

In the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones’ commitment to save his dying father is to find the Holy Grail. To do so, requires a leap of faith both literally and figuratively. He steps onto a chasm where a thousand foot drop separates him from the other side. This step is a leap of faith because there is no bridge until his foot finds an invisible path unseen by the human eye.

Indiana's commitment demanded a leap of faith. With a book in his hand, he reads the cryptic notes and steps off the ledge to his death or the possible saving of his dying father. Commitment requires a continual leap of faith even when the impossible seems impossible.

Today, thousands have viewed the video The Secret. This highly engaging video does not share anything new. To achieve success requires a commitment to that success. Unfortunately, most people give up when they are so close to the finish line to achieve the impossible dream because their commitment lacks that leap of faith.

* How many times have you reached for something, felt it so close and then gave up?
* How many times have you thought what if but talked yourself out of going forward?
* How many times have you decided to change your life, but you are still where you were?

Everyone desires success to achieve the impossible dream, but few people actually achieve it. Part of this is because of their level of commitment. Athletes demonstrate commitment every time they rise before sunshine to run 5 miles or push themselves beyond their last achievement. Their results simply show that commitment can be developed.

So if you want more success, to achieve that impossible dream, check out your commitment level and ask yourself are you committed to making a leap of faith to achieve what is important to you?

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