Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Are You A Sleep Walker Or A Light Bearer?

This article is intended to bring people closer to finding out why they were placed on this earth so they can add more value to other people's lives.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself the questions: Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is it that God placed me on this earth to do? This can be a hard question to answer because of the way that the "world" has trained us to think. From the time that we were born we started to be programmed with an "easy - hard" mindset.

What do I mean by easy - hard you ask? Well, we have always been taught to do the easy thing first and put off the hard things. For example: Let's say you are faced with making the decision of whether or not to break off a friendship with someone whom you know is a bad influence on you. What is the easy thing to do in a situation like this? You do not want to offend them right? So you just let it go and keep living your life influenced by this negative person. It's the way we've always been trained. To take the easy road!!

Now wouldn't you agree that doing the hard thing first although it is painful in the beginning would add quality and ease to your life in the long run? Well, maybe you are not convinced yet so let's look at a better example: Let's say you arrive at the grocery store to buy your food for the week and you only have just enough money to get you by for the week. You are walking up to the store door and see a young mother with a small child who are hungry and in need of a roof over their head.

What is the easy thing to do here? Walk right on by and say it's probably her fault for being in such a situation and she doesn't deserve anything or taking your limited amount of money and buying these two desperate people what they need and letting yourself go for now? What have we been programmed to do? The first and easiest one right? Again this is the way the world has programmed us to think.

So I ask you the question: Which one are you? Are you the one who is always looking out for number one and looking for the easy way out or are you a giver who is always looking to serve someone else? This is where the title of this article comes into play. Are you a sleep walker or are you a light bearer? Let's take a look at the sleep walkers for a moment. Sleep walkers make up about 90% of the population. These people are not really bad people they are simply asleep to the law of giving and receiving or vibration and attraction as some people like to call it.

This law of the universe has been spiritually as well as scientifically proven to be a fact. What you give into the universe must be given back many times over. The Bible states and I am sure you have heard it before: Give and you shall receive!! It is law and it always works every single time. Not only is it law it is God's law!! Now stop and think about the questions that you look in the mirror and ask yourself: Why am I here? What is my purpose? Why did God place me on this earth?

If you do not know the answer then you are a sleep walker and are in need of finding your soul purpose. Everyone has been put on this earth for a reason and when you find out why you were put here then and only then will you start to see true wealth in your life. Joy wealth, health wealth, peace wealth, happiness wealth, and monitary wealth. Finding out your soul purpose is not enough though. You must also put it into action in service to other people. You must add value to other people's lives.

Think about this for a minute, if you know why you were put here on earth and you serve other people with your cause by adding value to their lives then the natural law has no choice but to reward you for your efforts!! Now I am not telling you to go out and start giving just to get. It doesn't work that way. You must find your soul purpose and give it with love to the world. When entering the spiritual realm which is what we are ultimately talking about here love is no longer an emotion but a passion to serve the world with your cause.

It becomes your passion and is very rewarding in all aspects of your life. So how do you get to the point to where you know your soul purpose? You need coaching, a mentor, someone who's soul purpose is to help you find yours. These enlightened individuals are like hens teeth but they do exist because I have found mine. My mentor claims that there are only 108 people in the world who's soul purpose in life is to help others find theirs. These people seem like odd ducks compared to 90% of the other people you have encountered but these principles outlined in this article are exactly what they teach.

If you are discontent with your life and are looking for a change I strongly encourage you to study these principles and put them to work for you. This is a great way also to make the world a more peaceful place. When everyone knows why they are here and are getting paid well for their service to the world we will no longer want to rape the planet or each other. We will no longer need to steal or cheat or lie. We will love beyond all understanding and live in a great world just the way God intended in the first place. We will never run out of money or friends. Our health will improve and we can live in peace and harmony together.

We have to learn to practice Hard - Easy from now on!! What is hard easy? WellFind Article, it is just the opposite of what we have always been taught. We have to have discipline in our lives. When we wake in the morning we should awake with a spirit thankfulness to God for giving us another day to go out and serve someone with our soul purpose. If we will do the hard thing first which is only hard to the ego or the mind then the rest of our lives will be easy and flow naturally. Remember that when you add value to people's lives then everything else will naturally be taken care of.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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