Thursday, 28 February 2008
Emotional Intelligence Reduces Stress in Healthcare Workers.
Monday, 25 February 2008
* Secret #117 Prioritize or Drown
"I need more time!"
We've all said this before. But think about it for a minute. Can anyone really get more time?
The truth is: No one can get more time. Time is the great equalizer. We all have the same 24/7.
This being the case, there's only ONE thing we CAN do: priortize or drown.
For real help with prioritizing your life check out Time Management for Painfully Pooped-Out People
Just a thought.
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Just joining us?
Like the architect who draws up plans and works with consultants and developers or contractors to create the masterpiece building, you also will operate similarly to create your masterpiece life. You might consider hiring a life coach or a therapist, depending on your needs. You might need legal assistance. You might need friends now more than ever. It'll take time to develop the you you want to be. But you'll need to know who to call for help when help is needed. Architects don't do it all themselves. They have help. You'll be looking for help as well.
Reaching out might be a huge step for those of us in turmoil. But you'll see that going with others makes the transition a lot easier to navigate than going it alone.
I've discussed some of this already. I've also explained that this blog isn't about exercise, that a bicycle just happened to be the way of my journey. It's how I got my start to a new life. It was the beginning of my reaching out. I encourage you to get on a bicycle. I think it's a wonderful way to measure personal growth. But it's not necessary for yours. You may be drawn to something else entirely. If you read from the beginning, you'll understand what I mean, and you'll see how this journey is yours. The way you make it happen is yours. The progress is yours. I'm just here to provde you an idea on how you can begin it.
BIKE is simply a metaphor for the time and space you give yourself. It's a powerful tool, but only if you use it.
Keep reading, I'll explain as we go along.
Ask questions if you like. I'm happy to respond to your comments.
All my best,
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Wound Care Using A Vacuum!
Just the basics... after placing a piece of foam over the wound, a plastic occlusive dressing is placed over the wound and then a special plastic dressing with a hose leading out of it to a small vacuum. The vaccum then creates a vacuum with the purpose being that all the wound will be dry with less of a medium for microbes to grow in, the foam also helps in granulation and helps in removal of dead tissue. The fluid is collected into a container, which is then properly disposed in the biohazardous waste.
The big advantage to this system is wounds can heal twice as fast compared to some of the "old fashion" ways. I still remember packing wounds with hoof ointment and sugar! HA! We did heal a Stage IV decub in 6 months, but how much faster could this be done now-a-days?
I can't wait to see what else they come up with in wound care tecnhologies!
More about books...
Jackie AKA The BIKE Lady
Friday, 22 February 2008
A BIKE and a book...or two
I've mentioned a few of those books here already, and will continue to mention them. In your own recovery, from whatever past trauma or turmoil or just the everyday challenges you're dealing with today, you'll decide what you need. You'll create your own list, I'm sure. But be open to the books and authors I mention here. They've helped me; they could very well do the same for you.
My point is that books are merely a starting point. To live a life of joy takes a lifetime. Every day, you must decide to seek it. A book with new ideas is just the starting point. You have to take action to make things happen. That's where those BIKE rides come in. They help move you forward. You consciously become aware of where you are and where you're going, and you move accordingly. It's no secret. It's not magical. It's really a natural progression, but it's very individual. And only you really know the path you need to take.
Maybe this weekend, you can visit the library or bookstore nearest you and find a book that offers lessons you could benefit from learning right now. Your progress can start there, with a book. It doesn't have to be self-help. It can be a travel book of essays. It can be a travel guide. It can be a book of fascinating facts or quotable quotations. It can be anything that speaks to you at this moment, anything that provides you with a message that you need to hear. You'll know if you need to hear it, because it will draw you in, most likely without you even recognizing it.
However, you want to get to the point where you do recognize, because then you'll be open to the greatest amount of learning. Julia Cameron mentions this in her book The Artist's Way. She calls it part of the spiritual path to higher creativity. I used her book over and over again as part of my spiritual path to a better life. You can, too. That's on the list.
Happy reading!
Kansas Combatting Nursing Shortage
(TOPEKA) – Today the Kansas Board of Regents released the first annual report for the Kansas Nursing Initiative – a 10-year, $30 million state funding and matching grant program that was approved by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in 2006.
The nursing initiative’s goal is to combat Kansas’ looming nursing shortage, and, in its first year, the program achieved the following results:
- 507 additional nursing students were admitted in FY 2007;
- 28 full-time and 23 part-time additional nursing faculty were hired;
- 53 Nurse Educator Service Scholarships were awarded; and
- 27 human patient simulators were placed into nursing classrooms.
“After the first year of implementation, the results clearly indicate that the Board’s nursing initiative has been an overwhelming success. With the results already achieved, the state’s 22 public nursing programs have taken a major step forward in addressing one of Kansas’ most pressing workforce development issues – an issue that only increases in importance as the state’s population continues to age,” said Reginald L. Robinson, President and CEO of the Kansas Board of Regents. “The Legislature should be applauded for its foresight and for investing critical state resources in this initiative. In addition, I would like to thank the six organizations that have been our hard-working partners in making this program such a success: the Kansas Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, the Kansas Association of Nurse Leaders, the Kansas Board of Nursing, the Kansas Health Care Association, the Kansas Hospital Association, and the Kansas State Nurses Association.”
The nursing initiative utilizes a combination of grant and scholarship programs to increase the capacity of existing Registered Nursing (RN) programs in Kansas. The first component of the program aims to increase the availability of qualified nursing faculty in public postsecondary nursing education programs through the Nurse Educator Service Scholarships program where scholarship recipients agree to engage in the full-time teaching of nursing in a Kansas nursing program after receiving their Masters in Nursing or Doctorate degree. The second component, the Nursing Faculty Salaries and Supplies program, allows nursing programs to apply for grant funds to increase the number and retention of qualified nursing faculty and for consumable supplies used in nursing programs. The third component, the Nursing Equipment2and Facility Upgrades program, assists nursing programs in obtaining new technology, equipment or space to accommodate increased program capacity.The annual report can be found on the Board’s website at
Background:The 2005 Legislature, concerned about the shortage of nurses in Kansas, recommended that the Board report to the Governor and the 2006 Legislature regarding the resources required to increase the capacity of the state’s higher education system to educate registered nurses by 25 percent. The Legislature also requested that the report include a timeline for building the infrastructure necessary to accommodate up to 250 more nursing student admissions annually.
Among the causes for the nursing shortage in Kansas is an increased utilization of the health care system by an aging population at the same time many existing nurses will be retiring. The Kansas Department of Labor predicted that 6,890 new Registered Nurse (RN) positions will be needed by 2010 to meet the workforce demand. An additional 4,460 RN replacement positions will be needed due to retirements, for a total projected need of 11,350.
Implementing nationwide strategies and initiatives within the state, Kansas has been successful in attracting individuals to careers in health care. The pressing issue now does not revolve around filling the pipeline with students interested in nursing careers, but rather expanding postsecondary program capacity for those who want to become trained nurses. Virtually every nursing program has an extensive waiting list of qualified applicants. Increasing capacity in nursing programs is a complex process that consists of acquiring additional qualified nursing faculty, securing additional clinical instruction sites, and increasing classroom space and equipment.
The nine-member Kansas Board of Regents is the governing board of the state’s six universities and a coordinating board for nineteen community colleges, ten technical institutions, and a municipal university. In addition, the Board administers the state’s student financial aid, adult education, GED, and career and technical education programs. The Board also authorizes private proprietary schools and out-of-state institutions to operate in Kansas, and administers the Kan-ed network, a statewide network that provides broadband Internet access and distance learning capabilities for schools, hospitals, and libraries.
For more information contactKip Peterson, Director of Government Relations & Communications, at (785) 296-3421.Visit the Kansas Board of Regents on the Web at
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
20 simple "at your desk" exercises for web workers
Not everyone has the time to make it to the gym during their lunch break. But just because you can’t get out of the office (or your cubicle) doesn’t mean that you can’t get some exercise, or “deskercize” during the day. Here are some suggestions for web workers who want to get a work out and get their work done at the same time.
1. Buns of steel
Exercise at your deskNo, you don’t need a shiny lycra bodysuit or big hair to do this popular glute workout. All you have to do tighten and squeeze your buttocks, hold five to ten seconds, and release. Repeat these squeezes 8-10 times, as many times during the day as you feel up to, and notice your newfound buns of steel in just a few weeks.
2. Upper back stretch
The upper back can be a place where tension accumulates throughout the day. By taking just a few seconds to stretch it out, you can release tension and work your muscles. What you need to do is extend your arms in front of you, grab onto your wrist with the other hand and gently pull your arms forward as you round your upper back. Hold it for twenty seconds and then switch sides.
3. Body lift
This is a really easy one. Just place your hands on the arms of your desk chair and lift yourself up. Repeat (if you can).
4. Chair squats
This is another simple “deskercize” as it simulates a motion we’re all pretty used to: standing up and sitting down. To do the “chair squat”, place a chair behind you and stand in front of it with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and squat toward your chair until you’re hovering just over it. Hold it for a second, then stand back up. You can do this throughout the day, or just try to hover each time you sit down.
5. Cherry picking
This exercise can help release tension in your upper body and looks just like it sounds. Stretch your arms up, one at a time, as high as you can, as if reaching to pick fruit out of a tree. Repeat 10 times, alternating sides as you go along.
6. Neck stretch
All you have to do for this one is relax your shoulders and let your head roll forward. Slowly rotate your head in a circle and repeat five times.
7. Inner thigh squeeze
A great trick for working on your inner thighs while you’re working on that spreadsheet is to stick a full water bottle between your legs and squeeze against it with your thighs. The bottle offers some resistance (and is there for hydration should you over exert yourself!)
8. Use an exercise ball
Here’s a list of ten reasons that you should consider swapping out that uncomfortable office chair for a healthier alternative. Using an exercise ball can improve posture and give you a work out.
9. Side stretch
Eating too many hot pockets for lunch and looking for a way to get rid of those love handles? Here’s an easy stretch you can do to work out your obliques: with your arms raised over your head, lean gently over to each side as far as you can safely go. Just be careful if your chair has wheels!
10. The funky chicken
This is an exercise that can help loosen up your upper body. You just might want to wait until none of your coworkers are looking. Put your fingertips on your shoulders and lift your elbows up and then push them down to your sides, as if you’re trying to fly. Repeat 10 times. Here’s some inspiration if you need it.
11. Leg lift
This exercise is made for web workers. Just straighten your knees and lift your legs out in front of you.
12. Seated crunches
Put your feet flat on the floor, and make sure that you’re sitting up straight. Then, rest your hands in your lap. Breathe in deep through your nose, “crunching” your upper and lower abs, pushing your lower back against the chair.
13. Yoga
Ever find yourself holding your breath or gritting your teeth as you get through the work day? You might want to try some desk yoga. It’s a way to use your breath to work for you, not against you. You can check out all sorts of desk yoga poses at this site.
14. Shoulder shrugs
If you’re feeling less than ambitious but still want to give yourself a gold star (or early happy hour) for getting your exercise in, just replicate that gesture you perfected as a teenager when your parents asked you a question. With your head at your chest, shrug your shoulders up and down.
15. Push ups
Technically you can’t do this one at your desk. And technically it’s not really a push up. But work with me here. All you have to do is stand facing a wall, with your feet shoulder-width apart and about a foot away from the wall. Rest your palms on the wall at about shoulder height. Bend your elbows and lean toward the wall as far as possible. Keep your legs and back straight. Then push yourself back to starting position.
16. Hug your hamstrings
This is a great exercise for working out the muscles in the backs of your legs that don’t get much use when you’re sitting at a desk all day. And you can do it right where you’re sitting. Just sit back and place your hands under your thigh. Then pull your knee toward your chest and extend the leg straight in front of you. Hold it (if you can) and then switch sides. Do it a couple of times with each leg for maximum results.
17. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
Did you get an email from your boss that’s making you livid? Put that energy to good use and get some muscle tone out of it. Just scoot your chair back (so you won’t actually punch a hole in your computer screen) and do some tae-bo action, punching your arms out in front of you and switching sides.
18. Touch your toes
Another easy exercise that will help you work out some tension and maintain flexibility. Stand up in your chair and let your body hang forward, touching as far down on your body as you can. Then, take your right hand and touch it to your left toe and vice versa.
19. Balancing act
You can put that budget report sitting on your desk to good use. By sitting with something on your head, it forces good posture and works your inner core muscles. And hey, you might even learn by osmosis.
20. A-OK
And last but not least, we can’t forget a web worker’s best friends: his fingers. Just touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of each finger in turn, making the circle as round as you can. Straighten your fingers in between touching each finger. This will keep your fingers nimble and increase mobility.
Thanks again Amy for turning me on to these!
Check out all the articles at:
A bike collection
I am a collector, after all. I collect matchbooks, nutcrackers and books of all kinds. So why not bikes? I already had a good start, I knew. So when I was in Las Vegas last October with friends who were running the Las Vegas Half Marathon -- as running Elvi, of all things -- I found a special bike card at the Expo. It's an image that moves. Not sure if I can explain it, other than it looks like the biker is actually riding the bike. It's pretty cool, so I had to have it. I'll frame it. I also found a wine bottle bag with bike decor all over it. And just the other day, I found a bike replica at Cost Plus. I saw it once, and I'm the type of buyer who shops for things first. Then, if I go back to the store, and the item is still there, I take that as a sign, and I'll buy it then. That's what happened with my $30 welded bike sculpture. Now it's sitting on a shelf in my office.
This imagery is letting the BIKE continue to work it's mental magic.
If there is something, some image, that will help you make your dreams come true, I encourage you to use the magic within. This kind of imagery can help you stay focused.
If you were to start your own collection today, what image attracts you?
All my best,
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Secret #116 Invite People to Fit into Your Schedule.
Monday, 18 February 2008
New beginnings
What if you started your day out like that?
Wouldn't that be something?
It would mean you were beginning to trust yourself, to trust in your ideas, to have faith in your ability. It would mean you had decided to let yourself enjoy your life and connect with what you love, what you know you can do, and what you're most passionate about.
I share this with you because I look back on the past few years, where I've been, where I'm going, and I see nothing but growth. Last summer, I wanted to sell a book idea, and I'm now on the verge of having two books to write. Twice what I wanted. I wanted to teach my BIKE lessons, and now I'm near the end of my first class. It's being very well received, and I'm so thrilled. I wanted to increase the number of national markets I would write for, and I did that as well. Those successes are proof that you can do what you decide to do. It just takes action. Just like the message behind the famous remark by the German philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic within it.
That phrase has returned and returned to me in various forms throughout my life, and it's continued to serve me well. It's a symbolic reminder, and I think I'll use that in my BIKE lesson this coming Wednesday to the group of women at Homeward Bound. I'm teaching them about listening to their gut, and I can see in their eyes and hear in their voices that they're willing. But they don't yet have the full faith in themselves. Some day they will.
Some day, sooner than they think, they'll wake up knowing they can accomplish good things in life.
I hope they'll let me know about it when it happens.
Here's an exercise for you to try: Count the number of accomplishments you've had this past week. Write them down on a piece of paper and post them where you can see them every day. On the mirror in your bathroom, for example. Use that note as a reminder to yourself that every day brings the opportunity to move that much closer to your goal. Whatever it is you have yet to do, you can start today. You can be bold.
All my best,
Friday, 15 February 2008
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Monday, 11 February 2008
Are you operating from fear or love?
It's what my therapist asked me last week when I went in after a year hiatus to seek some advice.
I went in with the answer to my dilemma, but I didn't trust it. Something happened to make me rethink my behavior, and I was confused. What if I kept doing what I was doing? What would happen then? What if I didn't? So many questions were causing me to doubt the decision that I'd already made, a decision that I hadn't made lightly in the first place.
So she said to me, "Jackie, I think we operate from two very basic emotions: fear and love. Which one do you pick?"
If you're wrestling with a choice to make that is complicating your life or causing confusion, can you bring it down to the basics? Can you trust that you know what's best for you? If you could pick between fear or love, what would it be?
The answer may end your confusion.
Sometimes, it really is that simple.
All my best,
*Secret #115 Spend Quality Time with the One You Love on Valentine's Day!
For a Valentine's Day gold mine of funny (and often true) stories, interesting pictures, and even a video clip... all you have to do is GO HERE!
Saturday, 9 February 2008
A recommitment
That's where I'm at with this blog.
It takes time. I don't always have it. But I want to share my message. The class I'm teaching reminds me that one person really can make a difference. I can make a difference. So I'm recommiting a promise I made to myself that I would build this blog. Of course, building takes time. Of course, building requires planning. And of course, it must be scheduled into my weekly habits.
Have you been putting something off in your own life? Is so, or if you've neglected to create change where you know you're capable of creating change, or perhaps you've been procrastinating on doing something you know deep down you really do want to do, it's time to recommit. Let go of the fear. Drop the excuses.
This isn't a New Year's resolution. But it is a promise. Make it to yourself, and to those who may be counting on you.
Let's not let anyone down.
Oh, and by the way, I've gone back and posted labels on all the previous blog entries. I actually needed to revisit the pages to see how far I've progressed. I think the labels will make it easier for readers to find me. Refer others when you can.
Ride safely and with a renewed spirit.
Early Detection of Tuberculosis
In places where the incidence of tuberculosis is not marked, 'tuberculin test surveys' be carried out among the general population, which gives an idea of the number of cases who are tuberculin positive, i.e. infected with tubercle bacilli (although the disease may be inactive in the majority of them). Those who have shown positive in the tuberculin test should be subjected to an X-ray examination of the chest, so as to find out hidden/ symptomless, especially active cases of the disease - in other words those who are suffering from active tuberculosis, but still showing no symptoms of the disease, can be detected.
For an epidemiological survey, small X-rays may be taken through a special X-;ray plant fitted in a van, which moves from place to place or village to village, or visits poor communities/slums. X-rays are taken in quick succession, one by one, of the various persons, who 'are made to stand in a queue before entering the van. They come out of the van after the exposure for the chest X-ray. This is called miniature mass radiography (MMR). These surveys were most common in the past when the disease was at its peak.
However, in places where the incidence of tuberculosis is high, all persons in such areas are expected to be infected with tubercle bacilli, i.e. they will be found as tuberculin positive. Hence the tuberculin test is of little value at such places, for epidemiological survey, and therefore, one can directly switch on to MMR study, for the detection of both hidden and active cases of tuberculosis.
It may, however, be noted that X-ray of the chest alone may not be always confirmatory of the diagnosis/activity of tuberculosis, either in a mass surveyor in an individual. Hence, when the disease is suspected, other tests, must be carried out, including a detailed clinical examination,'keeping the symptomatology of the patient in view.
Also, in the MMR study, small X-ray films taken may not give the true picture of the disease. And, there even may be variations in reading these X-ray films. Even if a tubercular lesion appears to be positive, it must be confirmed by a large chest X-ray, as well as by other tests. It is never wise to administer treatment of tuberculosis to a patient only on the basis of miniature radiographs.
The MMR study is now no longer widely carried out in places/ countries where the incidence of tuberculosis is low, because too few cases may be found positive, involving the expense of a lot of time, money, and above all, at the risk of exposure to X-ray radiation for a large population.
Also, in all those groups of persons who daily come in contact with a large number of people, such as the bus-drivers, conductors, teachers, and the entire medical staff, like doctors, nurses, attendants, technicians, radiographers etc., chest X-rays should be carried out because they comprise the high-risk groups. Spread of the disease has also been noticed in creches, schools, school-buses, hostels, and even in nursing homes, etc.
Similarly, the disease must be detected in servants, waiters in restaurants, salesmen, postmen, washermen, sweepers, barbers, cobblers, etc. People living in slums and shanty towns, chawls, etc. should also be checked for the detection of tuberculosis.
All efforts must be made to unearth 'hidden' cases of tuberculosis, as they are most dangerous to society. They go on spreading the disease for a pretty long time, till it is diagnosed and treated.
Friday, 8 February 2008
The disappearing act -- it could be a good thing
If you've never felt the need to escape from an obligation, or from anything that's going on in your life--good or bad--I'd be surprised. That's what happened to me. I needed to eliminate one thing off my list of things to do. The blog just happened to be that one thing I knew I could let go for a while. I've always known I'd come back here, but I needed to take a break so I could take care of business.
That means I've been doing other BIKE-related work, instead. I've been working on my BIKE Lessons class, for one thing. I began teaching the BIKE philosophy to women at a homeless shelter this week. I'm excited to report that they really get it, and they'll be coming back next week to learn more. They don't have to; it's their choice, and I'm happy to accommodate them. I'll be working with them for four weeks, offering them an opportunity to choose to learn about a new tool they can use in their recovery. What they learn in my class will help make their life transition less stressful and hopefully more productive. As always, the BIKE is about forward movement.
When you feel the need to escape or to set something aside for awhile, it's important to listen to that feeling or that need. It may come from fear. It may come from doubt. It may come from stress. Wherever it originates, I've learned that it's okay to "disappear" for a while. I'm not talking about abandoning responsibilities or family or anything drastic like that. I'm referring to the recognition that you may not be able to do all things all at once, or all the time. Perhaps your work has been derailed by something you have no control over, and because of that, you may not have it in you this week or this month--or this year--to be all things to all people.
There are times when you simply don't have it in you to cope. When you feel that kind of pressure, it is time to step back and reconsider where your attention needs to be. My guess is that it probably needs to be on you.
You probably need down time.
You can choose to take a break, go on a vacation, find a quiet place to reflect or feel what you're feeling, or even change jobs if that's what it takes to feel balanced and whole again.
I encourage you to listen to what your body, your reactions, or your feelings are trying to tell you. Don't ignore your gut instinct. Your needs will make themselves known somehow. Just listen for them. Then, take a step forward and do one thing that turns your attention back towards you.
When you pay attention soon enough, you'll see your disappearing act from others unfold in a gentle manner. And then, when it's time, you'll find yourself easing back into your regularly scheduled program.
That's what happened to me. And it may happen again, because in the coming weeks, I begin work on my very first book. It's a travel guide called Backroads & Byways of Arizona. Countryman Press will publish it in the spring of 2009. I'm very excited about the project. I'm thrilled I have the opportunity to work on it. But it will be getting in the way of my work here. The BIKE may again slow down. I urge you to be gentle with me, be gentle with yourself, and keep riding anyway.
I know I will be.
All my best,
Thursday, 7 February 2008
THINK before you speak. Take a breath and it will spark your intellect.
Remember words are sharper than any knife and they pierce the heart.
Take THIS opportunity to tell someone you love or appreciate them.
Make these moments of value and the worth of your actions will ultimately
come back to benefit you! It always works.....
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
A disgusting health tip
I love a good steak, but many women suffer from irregular bowels (often times due to childbirth. ) We have a tendency not to have the blessing of being regular every day.
Meat takes a bit for our bodies to digest, and so here is a way to enjoy the meat you eat, save calories, AND not tax your digestive tract or plug up your colon.
Are you getting an inkling of the “Chew and Spew” method? I’d been having very sharp pains in my abdomen and was very constipated (a crappy thing to talk about, eh:) -hee hee. Anyway, I found myself chewing the heck out of each bite, but if it had fat or was tough, I would graciously put my napkin to my mouth and try to put the remainder of the bite in it without too much fuss.
Well, my honey and I have been married a long time and so before long he asked what I was doing. He had been my champion and rubbed my “congested” tummy MANY times to help the “process” of digestion along. I told him. He said, “Cool-whatever works!”
That was it. Now (when it is US and ONLY US), I regularly use the “Chew and Spew”
method. To make it easier I simply put my hand to my mouth and take the remaining bite and set it aside on my plate.
Now, like a bird feeding her baby, I take the remains and mix it with my dog’s food. He
loves it! “Waste not-want not” mama always said.
There it is. Practical advice. Not pretty, but if you are with someone you love, or by yourself - they will want the best for you, and you can be discreet about it all.
If you don’t care for your company or want to gross somebody out - do it in public! Then simply declare “Obviously you aren’t familiar with the chew and spew method, are you?”
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Monday, 4 February 2008
Secret #114 How Super Is Winning a Super Bowl?
It's one thing to climb the ladder of success, but it's quite another to climb the RIGHT ladder.
Just how super is winning a Super Bowl? Consider these insights by guest blogger Josh Carter:
From the outside looking in, Tom Brady appears to have the life everyone longs for, despite not winning Super Bowl XLII. But things are different on the inside. In a past interview with 60 Minutes Brady raised the question, “Why do I have three Super Bowl rings and still think there's something greater out there for me? I mean, maybe a lot of people would say, ‘Hey man, this is what is.’ I reached my goal, my dream, my life. Me, I think, ‘God, it's got to be more than this.’ I mean this isn't, this can't be what it's all cracked up to be.” When pressed to answer his own question, Brady responded, “I wish I knew.”To read the article on Tom Brady or watch the interview,
“My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for all my labor. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 2:10a-11).
Solomon was a man who, like Tom Brady, had accomplished many great things on earth. However, when he stepped back to admire his achievements reality set in, and he realized that of all the things he had done, nothing gave him enduring satisfaction. He described it as “meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”
Do you feel like there has got to be more to life than what you are experiencing? It is very common for many of us, because God has “set eternity in the hearts of men.” We are not created to be truly satisfied with the temporary things of this world. It is only through a relationship with Jesus Christ that we can find the lasting fulfillment we are searching for.
We must stop trying to find peace and satisfaction in the temporary things of this world and surrender our lives to Jesus. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).
Think About It...
1. Do you ever feel like your “chasing after the wind” in life? What causes this feeling?
2. When have you felt like you were doing something that has eternal value?
3. What step is God calling you to take today? (Pray about it.)
“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
What God Says...
Matthew 16:24-27; Romans 1:21-25; 1 Corinthians 2:6-14