Saturday, 5 January 2008

Happy New Year - Random acts of Kindness

Hello Readers,

As you may have noticed, I have been very quiet of late. A lot has been going on in the background and I am confident 2008 will be an exciting year for Self Help For Lazy People.

I was driving home yesterday amidst a flood caused by a thaw of snow. We came to a big enough pool of water that stretch the entire width of the road. We watched as the car ahead of us passed safely through the water and then to my surprise the car stopped and waited. The driver waited to make sure we passed through the water safely.

It made me think. Would I have stopped for the driver behind me (there were no drivers behind me in this case). I thought to myself probably not!

I thanked the driver by flashing my headlights as we completed are traverse of the water. It was an act of kindness that also reminded me to be kind to others.

So don't forget dear readers! Your actions affect others! If you can be kind to others your actions can have a domino effect as the person who received the kindness then, in turn, is inspired to help others.

What acts of kindness have inspired you this holidays season?


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