Thursday, 3 August 2006

Meditation For Restless People - The Easier Way To Meditate

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

Ok - Let us cut through all the mumbo jumbo around meditation. It is a way of relaxing the mind. That feeling of relaxation will stay with you for quite some time after the meditation and if you practice it on a DAILY basis it WILL make you a less stressed person.

One thing you could do is read the Calm Technique by Paul Wilson it is a small book and it tells you how to meditate without all the jargon… Meditation is easy to understand and with practice easy to do.

The problem I have is that my mind wanders off a lot. I'm one of those people whose mind goes at about hundred miles per hour and meditation would be good for me. I did find the following exercise to be of great benefit. I learnt it from a yoga class I attended in Stockholm and it is an "easier" way to meditate.

Try this ..

Sit somewhere quietly where you wont be disturbed.

Become aware of your breathing.

Become aware of how the breath feels as it passes in and out of your nostrils.

You’ll feel a subtle difference in temperature.

After a few minutes imagine you only breath in the left nostril.

Then you breath out using the right nostril.

Then you breath in using the right nostril.

And out using the left nostril.

This is all in your imagination.

Then after a few rounds add counting.

In one the left nostril – ONE

Out on the right nostril – ONE

In on the right nostril – TWO

Out on the left nostril – TWO

Keep going and on every FIVE imagine breathing in on both nostrils at the same time.

If you loose count or find that you have nodded off. You have to go back to one. See how far you can get.

Do this for about 10 mins at first once a day and gradually build up to 20 mins per day. It’s a mental exercise and it really relaxes the mind…


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