Monday, 7 August 2006

50 Self Nurturing Activities for Lazy People

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

Being kind to yourself is an essential part to building self esteem. Here are fifty suggestions for self nuturing activities. Try and do one every day! I am sure you can think of some more but hopefully this list will help you on your way!

(Based on a list as written by Doctor Edmund J. Bourne in his book The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook - Second Edition (c)1995)

Bake bread
Browse in a record store
Buy yourself a rose
Buy yourself something special that you can afford
Call a friend
Choose a different route home from work
Dance as if nobody is watching
Day dream
Do something for yourself that feels great without feeling guilty
Enjoy a garden
Get a massage
Give yourself more time than you need to accomplish whatever you are doing (let yourself dawdle)
Go into a hot tub or Jacuzzi
Go see a good film or show
Go to a concert
Go to a museum
Go to a pet store and play with the animals or play with your own pet
Go to bed early
Go to the zoo
Have a good cry
Have a manicure or pedicure or both
Have a picnic
Have breakfast in bed
Hold a baby
Hug a child
Keep a journal
Learn to Meditate
Play your favorite music and dance to it by yourself
Read a magazine
Read an inspirational book
Relax with a good book and/or soothing music
Rent your favourite movie or movies
Sign up for a yoga class
Sitting outside by the campfire on a cold evening
Sleep Late
Sleep outside under the stars
Stop and smell some flowers
Take a bubble bath
Take a mental health day off from work
Take a slow walk by the sea
Take a warm bath
Treat yourself to your favororite meal
Visit a zoo
Walk in the nature
Walk in the rain
Waste time without feeling guilty
Watch the sunrise or the sunset
Work on your favorite puzzle
Write a letter to an old friend

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