On Friday last I had a late lunch here at work. I ambled to the company restaurant to gain some sustenance after a busy morning. I was one of the last customers that day and my attention was drawn to the large amount of left over food. There were stuffed bacon rolls, pies, vegetables, fries, baked potatoes and more!
I then asked "What happens to all this left over food?"
"It gets thrown into the garbage.", came the reply.
"Has anyone approached you with an option of giving the left over food to a charity?", I continued.
"No, but we would be glad if someone would be able to take it. It is such a waste!"
It is such a waste. There are so many hungry and homeless people in our neighborhoods that its terrible that food can be wasted so. I made the suggestion of giving the food to some local shelters and soup kitchens and the logistics are now being worked out. I was really surprised that nobody else had suggested this.
So if you work in an establishment that has a restaurant ask them what they do with their left over food. If they throw it in the trash, try and find a charity organization that would take it instead. Just in case nobody has suggested it to your place of work - take the initiative and suggest it yourself!
Let me know how it goes by posting a comment here!
Good Luck!
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