Friday, 3 October 2008

What does it look like for us to shine like the stars

These words were not originally written by me but by a church in Grand Rapids, USA.

I have adapted them a little for this blog and you don't need to be religious to hear what they say.


We forget that there’s a bigger story going on.

Will we remember?

Will we see?

Despite the overwhelming evidence that the world is a dark, dark place, will we shine like the stars in the heavens?

We’ve got to ask ourselves some questions.

Where do we find ourselves grumbling and complaining?

What does it look like for us to remember that life is a gift and that we’ve got everything we need?

What does it look like for us to shine like the stars in the common, everyday,
hum-drum of life?

when we forget to remember...
when we think we need more...
when we believe God or life has shorted us...
when we judge the future by the present...

when we forget that it's a marathon

not a sprint...

click here and contemplate what can be

do everything without grumbling or arguing

so that you may become blameless and pure

in a warped and crooked generation

then you will shine among them like stars in the sky

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