Monday, 13 October 2008

What are you reading right now?

I always have several books on my nightstand, on my coffee table, on my office desk that I'm reading. It used to be that I'd read one at a time, but I've learned to muti-task even my reading. The thought of this makes me want to know from you: What are you reading?

Are you delving into any of the books from my book list I posted again last week while I was out of town? Are you interested in self-help, history, biographies? What really sustains a high level of interest for you? Do you read the daily newspapers--your local one, regional pubs, the nationals?

My interests run the gamut, but I'm always reading consumer and travel magazines. I love the news weeklies, but I don't subscribe anymore. I generally read my news online these days. And, of course, I'm a big fan of books. I buy them by the armful, and some I get for free because of the type of work I do.

Most recently, I completed a colleague of mine's book: Am I Hungry? by Michelle May, M.D. (with Lisa Galper, Psy.D. and Janet Carr, M.S., R.D.). She gave me the copy so I could complete my research on a story I'm writing about her for a publication expanding into Phoenix called Better Health and Living.

I've also opened up and begun several more books, some of which I'm reading to review, some are for research I need to do, some are for pure pleasure. For the most part, these books are just recently published, a few of them were referrals, either directly or indirectly, the others are about topics I just need to know more about for various reasons. I'm not sure when I'll finish them. I'm sure one of them will sustain my interest more than another, and I'll finish it first and then move on to the next. But I flip through pages of books constantly. I am not a Kindle girl. I prefer the real book. And here's my current list:

Indignation by Philip Roth
The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs
Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide by Amy Shuen
The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
Blogger: Beyond the Basics by Lee Jordan
The IT Girl's Guide to Blogging with Moxie by Joelle Reeder & Katherine Scoleri
The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Law of Attraction by Diane Ahlquist
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Mindfulness by Anne Ihnen and Carolynn Flynn
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Psychology of Happiness by Arelene Matthews Uhl
How We Lead Matters by Marilyn Carlson Nelson
You're Broke Because You Want to Be by Larry Winget
The Compassionate Samurai by Brian Klemmer

I'll be reviewing some of these books in the coming weeks or months ahead here. If you've read any of these, let us know what you think.

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