Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Think about it.....

When was the last time you lit a candle in the day time? Have you played any warm and cozy music just for you? Pick a rhythm that makes you sway to it.

When was the last time you stood outside? Just stood. Quietly listening, looking, smelling all that is around you, for all these things are life and have a place in this world. Accept that and you will learn to love all things, because all things will change according to the light and love you share.

I took a picture of the moon before sun up this morning. There was a star way above it. I didn't really see just shadows from the tree branches. When I put it in photo shop I just changed a few things and now I can see the branches too.

Do something different today. Walk down the stairs instead of using the elevator.
One day I watched a group of Canadian geese flying in perfect formations. I watched them until they were gone. I was in the Costco parking lot. I heard them and just
looked up and paid attention to them. It was beautiful.

When I looked back down I realized there were four or five people standing near to me and we were all watching together.

It's your day. Take a breath and ENJOY!

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