We all have our addictions? No? You disagree? What about the Cola drink we shouldn’t be drinking? Or the chocolate bar that we shouldn’t be eating? Or perhaps we are watching too much mindless Television? Whatever it is we all have these small addictions that niggle away at our peace of mind and create pointless guilt.
Well here is a humble suggestion on how to break those bad habits. I call it the “Just for Today” technique. Let us look at an example. Say you are addicted to chocolate. Everyday you go to the dispenser and buy a bar with a guilty conscience. Well you could say to yourself “Just for today I am not going to buy the chocolate bar”. All you have to do is not buy the bar FOR TODAY. Then when you awake the next day you say to yourself the same thing i.e. “Just for today I won’t buy that chocolate bar.”
This trains your mind to stay in the present. It doesn’t matter about tomorrow or yesterday but just for today you are going to do things differently. If you fall of the wagon then that’s ok too as tomorrow is another new day and another chance to do something “Just for today”. Those small days build up and before you know it a few weeks have gone by and you have broken the habit of buying that chocolate bar.
Give it a go! It’s worked for me in the past.
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