Wednesday, 24 September 2008

100-day count down

The Blogathon is back. One of my fellow Blogathoners, Suzy Graven, a savvy woman herself, got the great idea to re-start our blogathon from July and go on through to the end of the year in what she's calling the 100-Day Countdown. That began a few days ago, and we're now on day 98...and counting.

If you're interested in following us around, I'll find out who all is participating and post links to their blogs as soon as I get all the details.

We'll still be posting daily, or as often as those who chose to participate can. I've also promised to help at least two NSA members get their blogs up and running. So expect to see a few new names.

I also want to note that I'll be speaking about starting a Blogathon, and the benefits thereof, to members of the Arizona Book Publishing Association this week. Gwen Henson, the executive director, invited me to participate after she heard so many good things about the July Blogathon I started with National Speaker Association-Arizona members and candidates. We had a blast kick-starting some of the members blogs and helping people get one started in the first place. We learned so much, though there's so much more to learn and discover.

It's a journey that is becoming more and more a part of mainstream culture. When you hear more and more stories about bloggers quitting their day jobs so they have time to post because their blogs are monetized and earning enough money to support the family, it's hard to ignore. The social media networking frenzy is today's reality. You really want to find a way to jump on board.

So it should be fun to watch the 100-day countdown and see how well we do. For anyone who resists posting daily, post as often as you can, one a week, even. Anything. There really are no strict rules. It's just about showing up and doing the best you can with a limited resource (time).

Please come back and learn more about it in the next few days.

Happy blogging!

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