We all think our problems are the most important problems in the world. It amazes me how a lot of people seem to get caught up in their everyday activities, so much so that small issues can be blown out of all proportion. Let me give you an example.
I work in a city center office, parking spaces are a premium commodity and they cost a small fortune. My place of work uses a "discount" parking area about a fifteen minute walk from the office. When I say it is a parking area, it is - in fact - an area of waste ground that used to be a gas works. Said waste ground has had loose stone chippings strewn over the area as a temporary service and it is run by a small community operation. The guys who look after the car park on a daily basis are down to earth and they would otherwise be unemployed if it were not for this "project".
It is a fairly simple operation and they just guide the cars into unmarked parking places. Most people's car parking is pre-paid and there is plenty of room for everyone to park. The place virtually runs itself.
You would think it wouldn't be a stressful job! Well the other day I was parking the car, when one of the guys at the car park was freaking out!
"Look where that person is going! I didn't tell them to go there.. and I have a person here who needs to pay... UGGGG I'm so
It really made me think. We all think OUR jobs are the most important. OUR tasks are almost life and death activities. OUR stress is the worst. Oh I wish I was cut in two so I could be in two places at once!!
Well it usually isn't life or death (unless you are a medic of course). Our day is usually filled with small events that WE blow out of proportion. That WE think is so important at the time. Take a few minutes to look around you and you will realize no matter how menial the job or position people have - they can get stressed.
You can find stressed out garbage men, stressed out janitors, stressed out office cleaners! It does not matter what we actually DO. It is how WE THINK about a situation that causes us stress.
So ask yourself today. What do I blow out of proportion? Is the thing I am currently stressed about REALLY that important or am I giving it far too much importance. Let me know how you get on and remember. It is how we think, not what we do that makes us stressed.
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