Thursday, 27 September 2007

Secret #94 The 1000 Percent Return Principle

Tired of letting life live you while your priorities sit quietly neglected in the back seat of your life? Well, if you're REALLY ready to do something about it... this blog's for you!

To make sure your life's priorities end up in your daily, weekly, and monthly routine, you will need to start by investing time in planning. Why is planning so critically important? When you take time to proactively plan your priorities into your schedules you are engaging in one of the highest returns you can get from time. As corporate consultant Brian Tracy puts it,
“You save ten minutes in execution for every minute you invest in planning. This means that the very act of planning—thinking on paper before you begin—gives you a 1000 percent return on energy. This is one of the highest returns you can get from anything you do in life.”
If you are serious about getting your priorities out of the back seat of your life, then you must proactively plan your priorities into your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly schedule. Planning takes time... but the return on your investment in planning is worth the time spent planning.

If you don't take time to plan, you will more than likely arrive at the end of life wondering why life lived you. Is that what you really want?

Note: This blog entry was taken from the workbook and audio CD, Time Management for Painfully Pooped-Out People: Ten Biblical Principles for Taking Control of Your Life and Time

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