Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Have your own Sabbath

The fast pace of modern life! The rat race! We never have time to do X, Y and Z! These are all message we seem to get bombarded with everyday from various media sources. We never seem to have time for friends and family and we seem to work longer and longer hours. No wonder we all feel "frazzled"!

Well there is an ancient universal wisdom that says we should have a day off. Remember according to biblical creation tradition God even took a break on the seventh day.

Now if you start to argue which day should be a Sabbath - a Saturday or a Sunday - you're kinda missing the point. For many religious leaders Saturdays or Sundays are their busiest days. That's when they are gigging! No, a Sabbath day is a DAY OF REST.

We have mental energy as well as physical energy. During the week, we get "bits taken out of us". By some problem that needed to be dealt with at work or perhaps by some hurtful comment made by a co-worker or "friend". Each stressor takes a little bit more energy out of you - a little but more of ourselves is lost.

By the end of the week all those little bits that have been taken from us add up and are mind, body and spirit feel drained. This is why we need to be RE-CREATED (RECREATION!! - GET IT?). Good old R&R...

Take a rest day - schedule NOTHING in your diary. That's right! Write the word NOTHING in BIG CAPITALS in your diary. You don't need to be productive 24-7 ... That's what machines do - not human beings! Slow down and do NOTHING... Spend time with your loved ones - listen to their stories and tell some of your own. Go for leisurely walks and eat long leisurely meals. Spent some time in silence and allow yourself to be RE-CREATED. You will find this will make a HUGE difference to your life. You will start your week feeling invigorated and ready to ROCK! Give it a go and YOU WILL FEEL BETTER!

Good Luck,


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