Hi there!
Don't worry, I do not have a God complex. It was just I was thinking to myself if there could be Ten Commandments that one could have for everyday life. I am not saying that the original commandments are not relevant but I wondered if I could write ten very succinct points that I feel could help us all right now today. Most of us don’t kill people. Most of us don’t steel and hopefully I haven’t done much coveting for a while. So let us say that most of you out there follow the Ten Commandments or something like it. What other ten commandments would you feel could help you in your day to day life? Here is what I think Ten Commandments for everyday life could be.
1) Thou shall think for one’s self.
2) Thou shall develop compassion, patience, tolerance, love and forgiveness in all aspects of ones’ life.
3) Thou shall remember that life is a classroom and thou are the student.
4) Thou shall eat well and find a physical exercise that one will enjoy and practice regularly.
5) Thou shall remember there is more to life than work.
6) Thou shall practice a relaxation exercise daily.
7) Thou shall not worship material things and remember that they shall bring only short term peace.
8) Thou shall be the person one is meant to be not the person one thinks one should be.
9) Thou shall remember that thou are unique and have one’s own thoughts and feelings and have the right to be uniquely you.
10) Thou shall not forget about the Spirit. Thou are more than flesh and bone. Thou have a deep need to find meaning and a connection with a higher power. Find one’s own path to that higher power and do not necessarily follow the path one has inherited.
What Ten Commandments for everyday life would you have?
Good luck!
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