Thursday, 31 July 2008

A blogathon update

For this group of speakers listed below, the Blogathon has officially ended. If you're visiting me today and would like to check out what the group as a whole as been up to, then the final list of participants is here along with blog addresses. We're all from the Greater Phoenix area. We all signed up to agree to try blogging once a day for the month of July.

While we may not have hit that number exactly (31), all of us gained a greater understanding of what the blogging experience and blogging world is all about. We learned new skills, such as how to Stumble--even if we all aren't doing it yet (including me). We saw benefits we didn't know exisited (We could be asked to contribute to a book. We could find new places to publish our posts. We could explore information we never knew existed.) And we've grown as friends, which I like to think is the better part of the whole experience.

As for me, personally, I gained insight into what works and what might not. I think that'll be an on-going lesson. And I've continued to see the benefit of regular posting and finding new blogs that touch on my themes: travel and self-help. There's a larger world out there that I intend to exlpore further as I move my two blogs forward.

I hope you'll continue to visit mine and my friends' blogs. If we have something to say that really resonates with you, I hope you'll post a comment and let us know how to find you. Together, we can build a stronger community of people who want to help others. I know that's the key component of all the members on this team listed below. We're coaches, motivational speakers, business developers, team leaders, healthy living advisors, designers, authors, movers, shakers and so much more.

Even if you just happened to "stumble upon" my blog today, take a look at the list below. There might be something here that interests you. If so, let us know:

Jackie Dishner

Susan Ratliff

Andrea Beaulieu

Mimi Meredith

Suzy Graven

Beth Terry

Vickie Mullins

Michelle May

Arlene Rosenberg

Stanley Bronstein

Stephanie Angelo

Quinn McDonald

Barbara McNichol

Suzanne Holman

Jean McFarland

Bonnie Mattick

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