Monday, 25 September 2006

5 Ways To Avoid The Gym and Still Get Exercise

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

I realise a lot of my posts here ar just common sense but common sense is a very easy thing to forget. If everyone operated under common sense all of the time I wonder how our world would be? So the following tips are all common sense but I think a usefull reminder for all of us.

About a year ago I suffered a neck injury. Part of my rehab was to go to the gym and strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles and I still attend the gym to this day. I don't pay anything for the gym as my my day job provides this as a benefit. I was there the other day when I noticed a number of people walking on the treadmills and it got me to thinking. Why are these people walking here? Why don't they walk outside? Why do they have to come to the gym?

A lot of people pay hefty gym fees in order to do something they usually don't enjoy and because they don't enjoy it they usually give up on it. Exercise is very important and one thing that annoys me is how gym class in school is managed. Its all about competition, performance and criticism when you don’t measure up to a certain standard. It puts people off physical activity for life! What happened to doing exercises for the sake of it or just having fun!

There now follows five tips on how to get some exercise without having to go to the gym.

1) Learn to Walk again.

Walk in the nature and enjoy the environment. Walk with friends and enjoy their company. Instead of going to the canteen for a coffee on your work breaks - go for a walk around the block. Get other people involved! Make it fun! Get the bus to work and get off one stop early so you have to walk the rest. Get a dog and he/she will force you to walk everyday!!

2) Do chores without the labor saving devices.

Sweep your floors and if you have a carpet use a carpet sweeper instead of a vacuum cleaner! If you don’t know what a carpet sweeper is Google it..I find sweeping a great exercise! Polish, scrub, clean and work up a sweat. Work in the garden. Mow the lawn with a push lawn mower instead of an electric or petrol powered one. Do DIY around your house.

3) Change your habits.

Spend more time outdoors. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Be as active as you can. Cycle to work if possible! If you live in a warm climate go for a morning swim outdoors. As stated in point one, have walk breaks instead of coffee breaks.

4) Learn something new.
Take lessons in a non-competitive activity e.g. Yoga, Pilates, dancing or even learn how to sail a boat! Going to classes is a great way to be active and learn something while you are doing it!

5) Make it Regular and Make it Fun!

If you make it fun you will return to it. If you keep returning it will become a regular habit. If you are into sports do something you enjoy and do it because you like it not because you keep winning. I used to play lots of Squash and lost on a regular basis but I loved it! I didn't notice how much exercise I was getting until the end of the game - I was having so much fun. There are lots of alternative sports to choose from! Have you tried Paintball or laser quest? Have you tried Frisbee golf? Just find something you enjoy and before you know it you will be fit, healthy and happier!

Good Luck,

5 Ways To Avoid The Gym and Still Get Exercise

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

I realise a lot of my posts here ar just common sense but common sense is a very easy thing to forget. If everyone operated under common sense all of the time I wonder how our world would be? So the following tips are all common sense but I think a usefull reminder for all of us.

About a year ago I suffered a neck injury. Part of my rehab was to go to the gym and strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles and I still attend the gym to this day. I don't pay anything for the gym as my my day job provides this as a benefit. I was there the other day when I noticed a number of people walking on the treadmills and it got me to thinking. Why are these people walking here? Why don't they walk outside? Why do they have to come to the gym?

A lot of people pay hefty gym fees in order to do something they usually don't enjoy and because they don't enjoy it they usually give up on it. Exercise is very important and one thing that annoys me is how gym class in school is managed. Its all about competition, performance and criticism when you don’t measure up to a certain standard. It puts people off physical activity for life! What happened to doing exercises for the sake of it or just having fun!

There now follows five tips on how to get some exercise without having to go to the gym.

1) Learn to Walk again.

Walk in the nature and enjoy the environment. Walk with friends and enjoy their company. Instead of going to the canteen for a coffee on your work breaks - go for a walk around the block. Get other people involved! Make it fun! Get the bus to work and get off one stop early so you have to walk the rest. Get a dog and he/she will force you to walk everyday!!

2) Do chores without the labor saving devices.

Sweep your floors and if you have a carpet use a carpet sweeper instead of a vacuum cleaner! If you don’t know what a carpet sweeper is Google it..I find sweeping a great exercise! Polish, scrub, clean and work up a sweat. Work in the garden. Mow the lawn with a push lawn mower instead of an electric or petrol powered one. Do DIY around your house.

3) Change your habits.

Spend more time outdoors. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Be as active as you can. Cycle to work if possible! If you live in a warm climate go for a morning swim outdoors. As stated in point one, have walk breaks instead of coffee breaks.

4) Learn something new.
Take lessons in a non-competitive activity e.g. Yoga, Pilates, dancing or even learn how to sail a boat! Going to classes is a great way to be active and learn something while you are doing it!

5) Make it Regular and Make it Fun!

If you make it fun you will return to it. If you keep returning it will become a regular habit. If you are into sports do something you enjoy and do it because you like it not because you keep winning. I used to play lots of Squash and lost on a regular basis but I loved it! I didn't notice how much exercise I was getting until the end of the game - I was having so much fun. There are lots of alternative sports to choose from! Have you tried Paintball or laser quest? Have you tried Frisbee golf? Just find something you enjoy and before you know it you will be fit, healthy and happier!

Good Luck,

Tuesday, 19 September 2006

The Self Help Story So Far - A List of Help

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

Here is the self help story so far. A list of my lists and self help tips that I have published since I started providing Self Help and Personal Development for Lazy People. I hope you find this useful.

How to Make Meetings Fun
How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci
How to be Awake and have a Fully Conscious Day
5 Ways to Keep Things in Perspective
5 Tips on How To Treat Your Life like You are at School
10 Tips on How to Be Healthier At The Office
10 Tips on How to Think for Yourself
10 Ways to Excercise The Mind
5 Tips on Deep Relaxation and Anxiety Relief
10 Tips on Leading a Balanced Life
Foiled Terrorist Attacks and a Technique to Relieve Anxiety
First Steps to Being Assertive
Life Hack for your work Resteraunts
Change in Small Steps
50 Self Nuturing Activites for Lazy People
How to Stop Obsessive Worry
Meditation for Restless People - an easier way to meditate.

And last but not least

Self Help and Personal Development for Lazy People

Good Luck,


The Self Help Story So Far - A List of Help

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

Here is the self help story so far. A list of my lists and self help tips that I have published since I started providing Self Help and Personal Development for Lazy People. I hope you find this useful.

How to Make Meetings Fun
How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci
How to be Awake and have a Fully Conscious Day
5 Ways to Keep Things in Perspective
5 Tips on How To Treat Your Life like You are at School
10 Tips on How to Be Healthier At The Office
10 Tips on How to Think for Yourself
10 Ways to Excercise The Mind
5 Tips on Deep Relaxation and Anxiety Relief
10 Tips on Leading a Balanced Life
Foiled Terrorist Attacks and a Technique to Relieve Anxiety
First Steps to Being Assertive
Life Hack for your work Resteraunts
Change in Small Steps
50 Self Nuturing Activites for Lazy People
How to Stop Obsessive Worry
Meditation for Restless People - an easier way to meditate.

And last but not least

Self Help and Personal Development for Lazy People

Good Luck,


100th Post!

Hello Everyone!
Well this is my 100th post. Its been an interesting time, since I changed the direction of my blog to Selp Help For Lazy People. I wanted to reach people who did not normally consider the area of personal development and this seems to have struck a chord with you - the reader.

I just want to share some statistics with you not to brag by no no means but just to say thank you for making writing this blog worth while.

July - 50 unique visits.
August - 20,000 unique visits.
101 Blogline subscriptions.
Technorati ranking 19,555
Google Ranking 3.

So to those 20,000 new readers - I say thank you and I hope I have been of some help!

Good Luck,

100th Post!

Hello Everyone!
Well this is my 100th post. Its been an interesting time, since I changed the direction of my blog to Selp Help For Lazy People. I wanted to reach people who did not normally consider the area of personal development and this seems to have struck a chord with you - the reader.

I just want to share some statistics with you not to brag by no no means but just to say thank you for making writing this blog worth while.

July - 50 unique visits.
August - 20,000 unique visits.
101 Blogline subscriptions.
Technorati ranking 19,555
Google Ranking 3.

So to those 20,000 new readers - I say thank you and I hope I have been of some help!

Good Luck,

Friday, 15 September 2006

How To Make Meetings Fun!

Hi there,
Since it is Friday I wanted to share this light hearted tip with you. Actually it is quite useful and can turn a boring work meeting into fun. What you do is you make a list of words before you go to a meeting. Say ten words for the sake of argument. During the meeting you have to include these words in the conversation you are having without people noticing anything unusal. Choose a theme for your list e.g. food related words. Say you have the words Tomato, butter and toast on your list. You could say things like "We don't want to butter the client up too much." Or "If we don't get this deal we are toast." or "We don't want to do anything that will give us red faces like a tomato."

You can play solo or you can play as a group - just try and refrain from jumping up and down and shouting YES!!!! when you get all the words on your list.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

How To Make Meetings Fun!

Hi there,
Since it is Friday I wanted to share this light hearted tip with you. Actually it is quite useful and can turn a boring work meeting into fun. What you do is you make a list of words before you go to a meeting. Say ten words for the sake of argument. During the meeting you have to include these words in the conversation you are having without people noticing anything unusal. Choose a theme for your list e.g. food related words. Say you have the words Tomato, butter and toast on your list. You could say things like "We don't want to butter the client up too much." Or "If we don't get this deal we are toast." or "We don't want to do anything that will give us red faces like a tomato."

You can play solo or you can play as a group - just try and refrain from jumping up and down and shouting YES!!!! when you get all the words on your list.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci!

I just finished the book" How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci" by Michael J. Gelb. I loved it!

As you know I have a passion for living a balanced life and this book seemed to really write about this. I really cannot recommend this great book highly enough and I will write later on the seven life skills I learnt from it. Well done Michael J. Gelb!

Check out the book on amazon below!

Good Luck!

Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci!

I just finished the book" How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci" by Michael J. Gelb. I loved it!

As you know I have a passion for living a balanced life and this book seemed to really write about this. I really cannot recommend this great book highly enough and I will write later on the seven life skills I learnt from it. Well done Michael J. Gelb!

Check out the book on amazon below!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, 13 September 2006

5 Ways To Keep Things in Perspective

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

I am going to be honest with you now dear reader. I am no Tony Robbins. That’s right! I am just somebody who is interested in self improvement and I am sharing with you self help stuff that works for me.

I don't always apply these strategies and tips (my wife would not be shocked at all by this). I get caught up with the "everydayness" of life and I can sometimes loose perspective. That’s why I am always so interested in your own opinions on what I write. I usually list out some strategies that I have found helped me and ask "What strategies can you think of?". This is as much for my own education as to get your own creative juices flowing.

Let us take this example. As I get caught up in the "everyday-ness" of life I loose perspective. I start feeling stressed out over small silly things that don't really add up to much in the big scheme of things. Sometimes it takes a serious life event like illness or bereavement to give me a good kick up the back side and realize what a great life I have after all.

So I think to myself what can I do EVERYDAY that would help me keep a healthy perspective on things? Well, as is tradition on this site, here are 5 ways I feel that will help us all keep things in perspective.

1) Look at your worries from the future.

How would your worries today be viewed by yourself as you look back in 10 years time? How would the worries look from 20, 50 or 80 years in the future. My grandmother used to say "Try not to worry, you will be dead in 100 years time." Which is very true and this doesn’t half give you perspective on your problems.

2) Compare your problems and worries to others less fortunate than yourself.

How do your problems compare with people who live in war torn countries? How do your problems compare to people facing hunger, terminal illness and poverty. Reflect on these things and this should give you some perspective on your own problems.

3) What's the worse that can happen?

Look at the worse case scenario as scary as that might be. Is the problem your facing really as bad as you think it is? It may not be? If the worse does happen at least it may not come as much of shock? This strategy only really works with less serious problems that we have exaggerated in our own minds.

4) Talk to your friends and/or family or children?

There have been countless times that I have come home from my day job feeling like the whole world was on my shoulders. I then would have a good chat with my wife and she would more than most give me her sense of perspective on the issues of the day. It is often so good to talk to someone with a sympathetic ear who have a certain distance to one's own problems. Children have a really healthy perspective on life and really bring you back to earth. I remember the time that we had to move from the area where my wife's niece.
"Why do you have to move from here?", asked the niece.
"I have to go as I have to start a new job.", replied my wife.
"Why don't you just get a job near where I live then?, pointed out the six year old. :)

5) Spend time with your pet or go walking in the nature.

My little cat at home provides a daily does of perspective for me. After a stressful day at the office there is nothing like a furry cat wanting to play with you to bring perspective back and a smile to your face. Walking in the nature can also be a good way to remain grounded. There is a park near where we live and just seeing the different wild life going about their day with no worries at all really puts things into perspective for me.

I feel I have so much to learn in the ways of keeping perspective. What ways can you suggest to me, that would help us all keep perspective in our everyday lives.

Good Luck,

5 Ways To Keep Things in Perspective

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

I am going to be honest with you now dear reader. I am no Tony Robbins. That’s right! I am just somebody who is interested in self improvement and I am sharing with you self help stuff that works for me.

I don't always apply these strategies and tips (my wife would not be shocked at all by this). I get caught up with the "everydayness" of life and I can sometimes loose perspective. That’s why I am always so interested in your own opinions on what I write. I usually list out some strategies that I have found helped me and ask "What strategies can you think of?". This is as much for my own education as to get your own creative juices flowing.

Let us take this example. As I get caught up in the "everyday-ness" of life I loose perspective. I start feeling stressed out over small silly things that don't really add up to much in the big scheme of things. Sometimes it takes a serious life event like illness or bereavement to give me a good kick up the back side and realize what a great life I have after all.

So I think to myself what can I do EVERYDAY that would help me keep a healthy perspective on things? Well, as is tradition on this site, here are 5 ways I feel that will help us all keep things in perspective.

1) Look at your worries from the future.

How would your worries today be viewed by yourself as you look back in 10 years time? How would the worries look from 20, 50 or 80 years in the future. My grandmother used to say "Try not to worry, you will be dead in 100 years time." Which is very true and this doesn’t half give you perspective on your problems.

2) Compare your problems and worries to others less fortunate than yourself.

How do your problems compare with people who live in war torn countries? How do your problems compare to people facing hunger, terminal illness and poverty. Reflect on these things and this should give you some perspective on your own problems.

3) What's the worse that can happen?

Look at the worse case scenario as scary as that might be. Is the problem your facing really as bad as you think it is? It may not be? If the worse does happen at least it may not come as much of shock? This strategy only really works with less serious problems that we have exaggerated in our own minds.

4) Talk to your friends and/or family or children?

There have been countless times that I have come home from my day job feeling like the whole world was on my shoulders. I then would have a good chat with my wife and she would more than most give me her sense of perspective on the issues of the day. It is often so good to talk to someone with a sympathetic ear who have a certain distance to one's own problems. Children have a really healthy perspective on life and really bring you back to earth. I remember the time that we had to move from the area where my wife's niece.
"Why do you have to move from here?", asked the niece.
"I have to go as I have to start a new job.", replied my wife.
"Why don't you just get a job near where I live then?, pointed out the six year old. :)

5) Spend time with your pet or go walking in the nature.

My little cat at home provides a daily does of perspective for me. After a stressful day at the office there is nothing like a furry cat wanting to play with you to bring perspective back and a smile to your face. Walking in the nature can also be a good way to remain grounded. There is a park near where we live and just seeing the different wild life going about their day with no worries at all really puts things into perspective for me.

I feel I have so much to learn in the ways of keeping perspective. What ways can you suggest to me, that would help us all keep perspective in our everyday lives.

Good Luck,

Friday, 8 September 2006

How To Be Awake and Have a Fully Conscious Day

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

A lot has been written about the pace of modern life. How we all run round at a hundred miles per hour trying to get things done in the shortest time possible. We all have bills to pay - mortgages, child care, school fees, medical bills you name it! It’s all worry, it’s all go and its all stress. I am guilty of doing the same and its really hard not to get caught up in todays rushed lifestyle.

We wander around with our ears plugged into our mp3 players, worrying about the future and regretting the past, as the world around us passes us by. We try and do too many things at the same time e.g. talking on the phone while typing an email and munching down a sandwich! We feel overwhelmed by our days and burnt out!

Well here is a technique that I learnt that helped me slow down and wake me up to the world around me and its all about being fully conscious. There now follows my suggestion on how to be fully conscious through out a typical working day. As an experiment, try it for one day and note how you feel. I think you will notice you will feel more relaxed, less hurried and generally happier.

1) Upon waking.
You wake up and slowly swing your legs out of bed. As your feet touch the floor, note what this feels like. Stretch and feel the stretch in your body. What muscles are stretching? Where are the tensions in your body? Walk to the window and note the weather. If it is sunny and your bedroom faces the right way, feel the warm sunlight on your face. When you have your shower, feel the warm water fall onto your body. How does it feel? If you were to describe it in a novel, how would you describe the feeling of the water? When drying yourself, take one body part at a time slowly noting each one as you dry it. Next you will be having breakfast. Use the technique described in point five to fully enjoy your breakfast.

2) Your journey to work.
If you drive to work, imagine that you are demonstrating to someone how it is to drive perfectly. Drive without the radio on and be fully immersed in the activity of driving. If you are “stuck in traffic” note this and do some stretches in the car. Note the potential to be stressed out in this situation and note how futile it would be as it will not change anything. Do some deep breathing and relax. If you walk to work, take note of the environment around you. If you see any trees, what color are the leaves? If you see any flowers, how do they smell or how would you imagine they smell? If you are walking in the city, take note of all the different types of people around you. How do you think they are feeling? What stories do you think they have to tell? If you take public transport to work, note the sound of the bus or train. Are there any people chatting? What kind of people are on the bus or train? Who do you think they are?

3) Your day at work.
Spend your work day doing one thing at a time. If you have an email to write, just do that! If your phone rings and you feel you must answer it. Stop writing the email and give the phone call 100% of your attention. When someone talks to you, give them 100% of your attention. Listen carefully to what they are saying to you. If you are in a meeting, have your attention be 100% in that meeting. Pretend that you are going to be quizzed on the meeting afterwards and try and understand and comprehend as much as you can within the meeting. Try and do your work the best you can delivering the best work you have ever delivered.

4) Non – coffee, coffee breaks.
Instead of going to the office canteen to have a coffee, go for a walk around the block. Note your breathing and on every slow exhale imagine saying “Relax” yourself. Note the quality of the air. How does your breath feel on inhale as compared to your exhale? Feel the difference in temperature of your breath as you slowly inhale and exhale. Feel the pressure on the soles of your feet as they step on the pavement. Look around you and take in the environment, taking in as much detail as possible. Be fully aware of your surroundings.

5) Your meals.
Eat slowly, savoring every mouthful of the food. How does it taste? If you were writing a restaurant review, how would you describe the experience? What textures can you feel as eat? If someone is talking to you, stop and listen to what they are saying. How many times do you chew your food? Are you gulping it down? What sort of food are you eating? Do you feel it is healthy? How do you feel after you have finished your meal? How does it compare to when you ate something healthier or less healthy? How do you feel throughout the day and how does it relate to what you have eaten?

I am sure there are more ways to be fully conscious. What ways can you think of that will focus your attention, calm your mind and make you become more aware of the world you live in?

Good Luck!

How To Be Awake and Have a Fully Conscious Day

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

A lot has been written about the pace of modern life. How we all run round at a hundred miles per hour trying to get things done in the shortest time possible. We all have bills to pay - mortgages, child care, school fees, medical bills you name it! It’s all worry, it’s all go and its all stress. I am guilty of doing the same and its really hard not to get caught up in todays rushed lifestyle.

We wander around with our ears plugged into our mp3 players, worrying about the future and regretting the past, as the world around us passes us by. We try and do too many things at the same time e.g. talking on the phone while typing an email and munching down a sandwich! We feel overwhelmed by our days and burnt out!

Well here is a technique that I learnt that helped me slow down and wake me up to the world around me and its all about being fully conscious. There now follows my suggestion on how to be fully conscious through out a typical working day. As an experiment, try it for one day and note how you feel. I think you will notice you will feel more relaxed, less hurried and generally happier.

1) Upon waking.
You wake up and slowly swing your legs out of bed. As your feet touch the floor, note what this feels like. Stretch and feel the stretch in your body. What muscles are stretching? Where are the tensions in your body? Walk to the window and note the weather. If it is sunny and your bedroom faces the right way, feel the warm sunlight on your face. When you have your shower, feel the warm water fall onto your body. How does it feel? If you were to describe it in a novel, how would you describe the feeling of the water? When drying yourself, take one body part at a time slowly noting each one as you dry it. Next you will be having breakfast. Use the technique described in point five to fully enjoy your breakfast.

2) Your journey to work.
If you drive to work, imagine that you are demonstrating to someone how it is to drive perfectly. Drive without the radio on and be fully immersed in the activity of driving. If you are “stuck in traffic” note this and do some stretches in the car. Note the potential to be stressed out in this situation and note how futile it would be as it will not change anything. Do some deep breathing and relax. If you walk to work, take note of the environment around you. If you see any trees, what color are the leaves? If you see any flowers, how do they smell or how would you imagine they smell? If you are walking in the city, take note of all the different types of people around you. How do you think they are feeling? What stories do you think they have to tell? If you take public transport to work, note the sound of the bus or train. Are there any people chatting? What kind of people are on the bus or train? Who do you think they are?

3) Your day at work.
Spend your work day doing one thing at a time. If you have an email to write, just do that! If your phone rings and you feel you must answer it. Stop writing the email and give the phone call 100% of your attention. When someone talks to you, give them 100% of your attention. Listen carefully to what they are saying to you. If you are in a meeting, have your attention be 100% in that meeting. Pretend that you are going to be quizzed on the meeting afterwards and try and understand and comprehend as much as you can within the meeting. Try and do your work the best you can delivering the best work you have ever delivered.

4) Non – coffee, coffee breaks.
Instead of going to the office canteen to have a coffee, go for a walk around the block. Note your breathing and on every slow exhale imagine saying “Relax” yourself. Note the quality of the air. How does your breath feel on inhale as compared to your exhale? Feel the difference in temperature of your breath as you slowly inhale and exhale. Feel the pressure on the soles of your feet as they step on the pavement. Look around you and take in the environment, taking in as much detail as possible. Be fully aware of your surroundings.

5) Your meals.
Eat slowly, savoring every mouthful of the food. How does it taste? If you were writing a restaurant review, how would you describe the experience? What textures can you feel as eat? If someone is talking to you, stop and listen to what they are saying. How many times do you chew your food? Are you gulping it down? What sort of food are you eating? Do you feel it is healthy? How do you feel after you have finished your meal? How does it compare to when you ate something healthier or less healthy? How do you feel throughout the day and how does it relate to what you have eaten?

I am sure there are more ways to be fully conscious. What ways can you think of that will focus your attention, calm your mind and make you become more aware of the world you live in?

Good Luck!

Monday, 4 September 2006

10 Things To Write in your Notebook.

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

I have been a long time fan of using a notebook as a tool for self-improvement, as a journal or just as a place where I can do some brainstorming. I am a proud Hipster PDA and Moleskine user and with that in mind here are 10 different things I like to write in them.

1) New words that I have learnt that day.

2) Mind maps of my goals for the week, month, year.

3) Creative writing such as poems and short stories.

4) Mental stresses and tensions that I notice I feel during the day, the thoughts I felt that caused those stresses and alternative more positive thoughts in order to reduce those stresses for the future.

5) Sketches to exercise the right side of the brain.

6) Reviews of movies, music or television etc.

7) Books I want to read in the future, movies I wish to see and music I wish to listen to etc.

8) General “dear diary” prose including my observations, thoughts and feelings relating to the day.

9) Any physical tensions and what may have caused them.

10)Ideas for my blog.

What do you write in your notebook?

10 Things To Write in your Notebook.

Photo By N. Ireland Wallpapers / Desktop Backgrounds

I have been a long time fan of using a notebook as a tool for self-improvement, as a journal or just as a place where I can do some brainstorming. I am a proud Hipster PDA and Moleskine user and with that in mind here are 10 different things I like to write in them.

1) New words that I have learnt that day.

2) Mind maps of my goals for the week, month, year.

3) Creative writing such as poems and short stories.

4) Mental stresses and tensions that I notice I feel during the day, the thoughts I felt that caused those stresses and alternative more positive thoughts in order to reduce those stresses for the future.

5) Sketches to exercise the right side of the brain.

6) Reviews of movies, music or television etc.

7) Books I want to read in the future, movies I wish to see and music I wish to listen to etc.

8) General “dear diary” prose including my observations, thoughts and feelings relating to the day.

9) Any physical tensions and what may have caused them.

10)Ideas for my blog.

What do you write in your notebook?