Thursday, 30 September 2004

Do you want to know what happens next?

I started to write a story about a year ago. I have always had an interest in writing but I never seem to get the time to write something. Even this blog has fallen by the road side , these past few weeks.

Here is the introduction to the story... I'd be interested to know if you think its any good? Would you be interested in reading out more about this character and the whereabouts of his missing father?

Story draft1:

Douglas stared at his reflection in the wooden framed antique mirror. A reflection of a naked hairless body stared right back at him. He hated that reflection. Which was somewhat of a problem since his reflection was everywhere.

When he went to the local trading post, it was there. When he went for a walk in the nature zone it was there too. At the holo-movies, the food dispensary and on the hover-bus home, Douglas’ image was everywhere! Every image was the same yet somehow different. Douglas was genetic clone (like so many of the world’s citizens who could not afford the modifications).

How he wondered at the holo-movie stars of three-dimensional screen. They all looked so different while he remained the same. He had just seen the new Morrison Bridge movie. His hero, with stooped posture, small shoulders and acne-ridden skin saving the pear shaped damsel in distress. He wished he could be like him. He wished he could be famously different.

Douglas was different, very different. His father had given him a special present. He had to take on two jobs to pay for it. That’s how much his father had loved him. He couldn’t communicate with his only son but he could show him how much he loved him. That was before the laws were changed, before the World Union, before his father had disappeared and long before citizens with genetic modifications were rounded up and forced to have reversal procedures. Douglas’ father knew people, powerful people, and so his special present had remained - his very own special type of genetic modification.

Douglas turned off the light of his room and allowed a small beam of sunlight to sneak by his 20th century curtain. The shaft of light touched his raised arm and Douglas smiled (as he always did when it happened) as the skin on his arm changed from a tanned fleshy colour to a shimmering blue. The luminescence of the moving lights lit the room with an eerie aura that settled from moving patterns to a sea blue. Douglas asked for music and a beat started followed by layer upon layer of sound gaining volume all the time. His whole body exploded in light and he laughed a childish laugh as his own private light show began. Swirls and psychedelic fractals swam over his skin. Fireworks exploded and dissolved as symbols crashed. Ripples of ever changing colours rolled up his arms and down his legs as the music became more and more complex. This was his gift, his secret gift, passed from father to son in genetic modification, his very own perfectly functional (but highly illegal) virtual light skin.


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