Sunday 12 October 2008

Day of rest

It's Sunday, the day of rest. It's not often I'm able to actually use this day for rest. Today's no exception. I'm working today. Not all day, at least I have that.

But I'm curious.

What do you do on your day of rest, if you can manage to take it?

If I'm not actually working on a story, blog entries, or cleaning out/the yard, I'm off working on marketing my work...and more. It's a busy life, with not much time for rest. When I do take time off, I take it OFF. I don't post. I don't get online. I don't do anything remotely related to technology, except maybe answer my phone. And that's a big maybe. I'll let the voice mail take the call first, usually.

But again, on your day of rest, what do you do?

I'd like to get some dialogue going because I know down time is important, and it's always good to have options for how to manage it.

Just curious. And maybe others of you out there will be, too.


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